
Friday, February 1, 2013

28 Days of Things I Love

In an attempt to better myself as a blogger, I have decided to create a month long list of things I love. After all, February is the month of love, and although Valentine's Day is thought by some to be a Hallmark holiday, I love it. Any excuse for pink and red and flowers and candy and chocolate is good by me. I hope you enjoy this list and please comment if you would like; I am going to need the encouragement!

Day 1 of Things I Love: Mexican food!

I love love love mexican food...well I should say chicken and cheesy rice because that is all I ever order when we go to a mexican restaurant.  Mine and Matthew's favorite mexican restaurant is Camino here in Murfreesboro. We have actually gone there our past two Valentine's Day together but I think we are going to mix it up a bit this year and try another restaurant!
Matthew told me at the beginning of this week that he wanted me to come over Friday night and he would make me dinner and guess what he made? CHICKEN & CHEESY RICE! This man just gets me! He is famous for his chicken and cheesy rice and I must say he did it again tonight. It was so good and I'm afraid my eyes were bigger than my stomach. I am still stuffed!
It was so good I snapped a picture because I knew right away that this would be for my day one. Didn't he do a great job?
Now that I have had my mexican food I'll be good for at least a week or two until I start craving it again

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