
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I can't believe

 I can't believe...That today is the first day of 
This is one of my favorite seasons of the year. Warmer weather starts coming around, people seem to be in a better mood, flowers and trees are blooming. I just LOVE it all!

I can't believe....How fast time is going! It seems like we were just making these pictures...
We go to the Opryland Hotel every Christmas and walk around and see all the lights. It is one of my FAVORITE traditions.
my first time ice skating!
Where is time going?! 

I can't believe...I am on the second season of Revenge...already, ha! 
I just started the first season a couple of weeks ago and it is just so good I have been staying up pretty late trying to watch as much as I can. 
Check my Twitter to get a free trial month of Hulu plus code!

I can't believe...50 FOLLOWERS!! Woo Hoo! Now I feel like people are actually reading my blog haha. I love blogging and I love reading all of your blogs. Thank you all for your encouraging words and advice. It has helped so much!!

Linking up with Robin over at The Sunshine Diary!


  1. Has anyone ever told you that you look like a prettier version of Shoshana from Girls? You do - but with better style of course!

    1. Hahaha actually a lot of people have told me that!! I need to watch this show and see what's going on haha

  2. I am so ready for spring too! It's such a refreshing season! Time goes by so fast it is crazy!

    Come join my blog hop!

  3. Of course we're reading your blog!!! :) Happy first day of SPRINGGGG!

    1. Yay!! Thank you & happy first day of spring to you too :)

  4. Congrats on 50! Yay, spring! Now, if only the weather could warm up where I am!

    1. Thank you! It was 78 here on Saturday and tonight there are flurries flying around, ha!

  5. Congrats of 50 and I'm so glad it's spring too!!!

  6. Great blog! Following you via Half Way There Blog Hop!

  7. congrats on 50 followers! I watched the first 2 seasons in like a week. It was so addicting!

    1. Thank you! I am on the 3rd episode of season two...soooo good!

  8. Revenge is my absolute favorite tv show! The season finale of the first season was MIND BLOWING! Thank you so much for linking up! :)


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