Last week I started a 3 part series "If you really knew me".
Part 1 was about me and Part 2 was about my amazing boyfriend (yep, he wrote it)
Well today I give you Part 3
If you really knew US
If you really knew us then you would know this May marks 3 years together for us
I can't believe it has almost been three years!! We have made so many memories!
If you really knew us then you would know that when we were younger we both played sports.
If you really knew us then you would know that we both LOVE going on what I like to call "Matthew & Shelby adventures" When we both have the day off (which is rare) we like to go somewhere for the day (Fall Creek Falls, Burgess Falls, The Nashville Zoo) It doesn't really matter where we go we just enjoy the day being just us two and my favorite part really is the car ride together. LOVE it.
If you really knew us then you would know we both love TTU! Matthew is a senior there and this coming fall I will be a junior there. This fall when I transfer to TTU it will be the first time in our 3 years of dating that we will go to the same school. Excited is an understatement.
reppin TTU!
If you really knew us then you would know that we both love roller coasters
This past May I rode my first ever roller coaster and it just so happened to be with this good lookin man ;)
Matthew has always loved them and I quickly grew to love them!
If you really knew us then you would know that we can be some of the goofiest people you have ever met.
Don't get me wrong we can be very serious but when it's just us or when we are around our closest friends we can be ourselves. That is just one of the many things I love about our relationship!!
Well there you have it!!
Now you should know me better, Matthew better and us as a couple better!
I hope you have enjoyed this little series because we both have enjoyed it!!
If you decide to do this, email me or let me know somehow because I want to read it!!
*On a side note I just wanted to wish Matthew good luck on not 1 but 2 interviews today!!!!
Go get em hunny!
I hope your week is off to a great start :)