
Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday letters #5

Dear Friday, You could not get here fast enough!! Seriously what took you so long? 
Dear East Main, I AM COMING FOR YOU TODAY!!!! I am so excited/happy to be able to go back to my old location and work for the day! I get to work with all my wonderful ladies again, I get to see all my old customers, I am getting off at 5:15 instead of 6:15, I get an hour lunch break instead of 30 min lunch break and I am off tomorrow?! Feels like old times :) and I am going to soak it all up
Dear Matthew, I just LOVE LOVE LOVE you & of course I am more than excited to see you this afternoon!!
Dear Fox News, Thank you for always keeping me updated! I love having your app on my phone and sending me notifications whenever something goes on
Dear weather, Please do not go cold on us again, I am so very over winter.
Dear weekend, you are going to be good but please go by slowly
Dear Boston and West and now Watertown,MA. I am praying so hard for all of you. Words cannot even describe everything that has happened this week. 


  1. I feel the same about Fox news!! Always keeping me updated!

  2. Hope your weekend is excellent! xx

  3. Just wanted to say follower from Follow Friend Friday :)

    Can't wait to read more!


  4. That picture of you and your boyfriend is so cute! Hope you guys have a great weekend together!! :)


  5. fun post! you two are such a cute couple :) new follower via the blog hop!

  6. Visiting and now following via GFC.

    If you haven't linked up yet on my Bloglovin Blog Hop, I would love you to drop by:

    Bloglovin Blog Hop

    Take care,
    Happy Kids, Inc

  7. Totally loving your blog :)
    I am a new follower from the bloghop :)


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