
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Bigs & Littles: Guest post

A little bit ago I signed up for the Bigs and Littles and I had actually had forgotten about it until I got an email saying the list was out of who was matched with who and then I got an email from Amanda over at
 Rhyme & Ribbons...we were matched together!!
I have enjoyed getting to know Amanda better and a little blog stalking has occurred, ha!

So today Amanda is taking over my bloggy, make sure to go visit her blog and show some extra lovin!!

Hiya! My name is Amanda and I blog over at Rhyme & Ribbons. Shelby and I were luck enough to be matched up for blogging Bigs & Littles. This is my first ever guest post anywhere so I just thought I'd introduce myself!
You could say that I write a typical lifestyle/travel blog with a twist. I've been an American Expat in England for over 2 years now. I guess that's what happen when you go over to England to study and end up falling in love!

Here's 5 Random Facts About Me:
1. One time in London I saw Michael Kors at the theatre.  I was wearing a trench coat of his.  I came up to him and told him that.  (Because I'm an irritating little nerd/fangirl) He COMPLETELY ignored me.
2 I talk to myself all the time.  And not only that- I sing to myself.  Not real songs but ones I make up.  For example, "Doin' the dishes, doin' the dishes do do dooooo..." etc
3. I am currently in the US applying for my Settlement visa so I can rejoin Sam!
4. He and I met at drama school. We are both actors. Yikes! Although he is currently doing some amazing theatre in England and I am twiddling my thumbs in America.
5. I can't decide what I'd rather own more in life: a puppy or a panda bear. 

Come by if you'd like to read about my kitchen adventures (I have baking aspirations), my crafting disasters, traveling through Europe, living in England, and an unashamed love for diet coke!


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