
Friday, June 7, 2013

Backyard Drive In...DATE NIGHT

Well now that you know what Matthew did to surprise me for our three years, I will share with you today what I did to surprise him (mine was no where near as amazing as his, ha!)
Matthew loves going to the drive in, I remember him telling me stories of when he used to go with his youth group all the time in the summer after church on Sunday nights and he actually surprised me and took me to my very first drive in last summer and I just LOVED it!!
Here are some pictures from our Drive In
DIY Drive In at home

Old fashioned Drive In movie @ home

Gotta have the candy goods ;)

I used an old school desk for our concession stand and had it stocked with all our favorite snacks!

Used our initials to create this little sign...and it rhymed. Score.

and of course I made these cute lil tickets to hand him when he pulled up

My dad let me borrow his truck for the night and I just threw a bunch of pillows back there and borrowed my sisters small mattress, so the bed of the truck wouldn't hurt our backs, so very comfy!
Old fashioned Drive In movie @ at home date night

Old fashioned Drive In movie @ at home date night

Old fashioned Drive In movie @ at home date night

May 29, 2010...the best day
Old fashioned Drive In movie @ at home date night

He was definitely surprised and I would say he enjoyed it!

It was so much fun! After it got dark the weather was perfect and the movie was great :)
Old fashioned Drive In movie @ at home date night

Old fashioned Drive In movie @ at home date night

Our view until it was dark enough to start the movie...not so bad!

Right before we started the movie...almost dark enough!!
Old fashioned Drive In movie @ at home date night
What we used for the screen? Two long pieces of wood and a king size sheet from Wal-Mart.
Seriously SO easy to make and it worked better than I could have hoped for!

Perfect :)
Old fashioned Drive In movie @ at home date night


  1. This is so, so sweet! This makes me want a backyard so that I can totally copy you. One day. :)

    How'd you make the tickets? They look so nice!

  2. OMG. Shelby, this is the BEST idea EVER! :)

  3. what a great idea! This looks like SO much fun!

  4. Love it! I can't wait to do this for my husband one day!

  5. that is just too fun! Now if only I had a yard ;)

  6. What a cute idea! Very creative. :)

  7. Hi! I discovered your blog on the Friday Chaos blog hop and am now following you on bloglovin'. This date night is absolutely precious! :)

    Megan @

  8. Oh my goodness! This is absolutely adorable!! You did such a great job and covered all the details. From the concession stand to the ticket stubs. This is amazing.

  9. So ADORABLE! I'm jealous. Thanks for linking up to my Blog Hop! I'd love for you to co-host next week! Just shoot me an email if you're interested.
    California DIY Diva

  10. Oh this is SOOOO cute. I want to do this for Brian one day!!!!

  11. I love this!!! What a great surprise =)

    I'm following your via GFC from the Shabby Saturdays Blog Hop!!

    The Faithful & Frugal Fashionista

  12. Hey, I'm a new follower from the weekend hop. Awwww to say this is romantic is such an understatement! You just gave me an idea for the boyfriend and I's6th anniversary! <3

    I'd love it if you can follow me back :)


  13. Such a fun idea! I love outdoor movies :) Found you from Southern Sunflowers and am a new GFC follower. Have a good one!

    The Princess & Her Cowboys

  14. Oh my goodness, you are so creative!! This is such an awesome surprise!!

  15. This is an awesome idea!

    I would love for you to share and link up at my weekly TGIF Link Party if you haven't already this week. Your favorite posts, most popular, recent or new! The party is open every Thursday night and closes Wednesday's at midnight. Hope you will join us! Have a wonderful week!

    Hugs, Cathy

  16. Hi Shelby, thank you for linking up on The Lady's blog hop.
    This is so sweet and creative of you! I love to try this for my husband hehehe.
    See you o the 24th for hop #2.

  17. What a fun idea! And so thoughtful with the little details. Makes me wish we had more outdoor space at our house to do something similar :)

  18. Love this idea! Really original! :)


  19. How Cool...Love it! This would be so much fun to do with the kids!
    Also, wanted to stop by to let you know of a GIVEAWAY being hosted by Koralee from Bluebird Notes blog to help celebrate the opening of my new Etsy shop: Daisy Pink Wish.......if you have the time please stop by.....we would love to see you enter!


Your comments always make my day!