
Monday, August 19, 2013

Haute LA Boutique review + weekend recap

A few weeks ago I was contacted by the sweet Tara over at Haute LA boutique and of course I fell in love with everything on her website!
I saw a dress on her website that I have been eyeing on Pinterest all summer and knew right away that was the dress I wanted...let me just show you so you can see for yourself
LOVE the colors and the style of the maxi dress! 

(Haute LA boutique: Hermosa Love Maxi- Coral/Mint)
Saturday: I took my little sister out for the day for her birthday since I won't be home on her actual birthday.
I told her the day was hers to pick where she wanted to go!
We ate lunch together and she filled me in on all her 4th grade drama, did some shopping and ended our girls day with ice cream!
I can't believe she is going to be 10 in a few short days!!
LOVE my Sammy Jo!
Sunday: We had a great church service! It was a lesson I needed to hear and got me thinking on a few things for sure. My other little sister was invited to a birthday party at a hair salon...I hadn't ever really heard of that but that looked like the cutest party ever for little girls.
They got to pick out any dress they wanted and pick out any jewelry and then they got their hair, nails and make up done  and on top of that they got to walk on the "red carpet".

and with all her jewelry on


All the little girls dressed up

and the red carpet!
Hope you all had a great weekend! 
Matthew had a guys weekend in South Carolina with his brother and his brothers old roommate and he is coming home today, can't wait to hear all about his trip over dinner tonight!
We will F I N A L L Y be in Cookeville together!! 


  1. I love the dress! So cute, deff going to check out her site!

  2. Loooooove that dress that you are wearing!!! SUPER cute! :) Oh my goodness! I want to go to a party like that, ha!

  3. Look at those dresses!!! You and your sister are just gorgeous! I love that you took her out for her birthday. Ahh, they grow up so quickly!

  4. Hey! I adore that maxi dress you're wearing! The colors are great!
    New follower from the Collective Blog hop!

    Kallie, But First Coffee Blog

  5. That looks like the BEST little girl birthday party EVER!


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