
Monday, December 30, 2013


Matthew graduated!!!!
This post is WAY overdue but I still wanted to share with y'all about Matthew's big day.
 Friday night I threw a small graduation party for him at my apartment and my two best friends came up for the party and spent the night.
After everyone left that night we ran to Big O's to get donuts for breakfast the next morning.
Matthew's loves donuts just about as much as I love them so I got him some because I knew he wouldn't eat anything the morning of his graduation because he would be too nervous.
We drove over to his apartment and had donuts and milk :)
and of course I had to snap a picture!!
and off to graduation we went! (Kathleen did my hair for my and I loved it!)
Matthew's parents got there earlier than we did and saved seats. Graduation started at 10 and by time we got there at 8:45 a lot of seats were already saved!!
Matthew had to go check in and get lined up and we sat and waited and then found him in line and made a couple of pictures...
Nathan will be graduating next December!


and then 10:00 rolled around :)
Matthew's family
Matthew with his brothers.
So stinkin good looking :)
Matthew is a member of Beta Alpha Psi at Tech.

After graduation we snapped a few pictures and then headed to lunch to celebrate!
We went to a delicious Italian restaurant here in Cookeville.
On December 14, 2013 Matthew became a Tennessee Tech alumnus after three and a half short years. Words can't describe how proud I am of him. Seeing him walk across the stage in his cap and gown is something I'll always remember. You might say I'm his biggest fan, and I am truly honored and humbled to stand by him as he reaches all his goals. Lord willing we will be back there again as he is receiving his masters degree. I sure do love my accountant!! 


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