
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

101 in 1001

A few of my favorite bloggers have made out a list of 101 things they want to do in 1001 days. I love the idea and as soon as I finished reading their lists I started making a list of my own! I actually have had this list completed since before Christmas but just never took time to post about it. It's exciting to think of all the different things that will happen in the next 1001 days.
I really like the idea and think it's a great thing to do considering I love making lists and having goals.
Start: January 22, 2014
End: October 18, 2016
For others:
1. Go on at least 2 mission trips
2. Send a care package to a new college student at our church
3. Send out 101 letters snail mail style (0/101)
4. Go on at least 2 service retreats (work retreat, cleaning retreat, etc)
5. Help make at least 5 dinners for a family in need (0/5)
6. Bake Christmas cookies for my neighbors
7. Bake Christmas cookies for the nursing home
8.Help someone pull off a surprise
9. Serve dinner at a homeless shelter
10. Host a yard sale to benefit for a cause
11. Send flowers to a friend
12. Throw Matthew graduation party #2
13. Sponsor a child
14. Coupon & donate stockpile to mission trip
15. Help an elderly couple at church somehow
16. Be someone's maid of honor
17. Be someone's bridesmaid
18. Help provide Christmas for a family in need
19. donate hair to locks of love, again
20. Have a random acts of kindness month (0/30)
21. Raise $1,000 for a cause
22. Visit nursing home regularly
23. Cook for the ladies of the SOC
24. Complete at least 5 service projects with the SOC
25. Mow someone's yard
26. Pay for a whole meal for my family
27. Help someone move
28. Host a wedding shower
29. Host a baby shower
30. Throw Mady a graduation party
31. Invite someone to Thanksgiving or Christmas that doesn't have family to go to.
32. Big sister program with the SOC girls
33. Marry Matthew
34. Plan a surprise day trip
35. Go to the beach together
36. Get into a workout routine together
37. Visit 10 different cities together (0/10)
38. Start our own Christmas traditions
39. Surprise Matthew with lunch at work
40. At least 1 dress up date per month
41. Explore all of Cookeville with Matthew while we are still here
42. Get engaged
43. Engagement pictures
44. Plan our wedding but plan for our marriage more
For the homemaker
45. Learn how to make homemade laundry detergent
46. Learn how to knit
47. Learn how to sew
48. Make all cleaning products homemade
49. Meal plan for an entire month
50. Cook dinner every night
51. Create a cleaning schedule
52. Learn how to cut Matthew's hair
53. Go on a girls weekend trip
54. Go to Disney World
55. Take a cooking class
56. Take a calligraphy class
57. Have dessert before dinner at a restaurant
58. Have a progressive dinner at restaurants
59. Visit New York during Christmas time
60. Go camping
61. Go fishing
62. Ride on a train
63. Go to an SEC football game
64. Fly by myself
65. Go on a cruise
66. Meet someone famous
67. So skiing
68. Go canoeing
69. Go white water rafting
Future Business
70. Style a whole wedding by myself
71. Learn all about floral design
72. Become a registered Dental Assistant
73. Expanded Functions
74. Start recycling
75. Read the entire Bible
76. Graduate with Bachelors degree
77. Save 15k on my own
78. Make a budget & follow it
79. Keep up with planner
80. Completely organize email (with folders)
81. Start my own Etsy shop
82. Buy a car
83. Have a legit Pinterest party
84. Make a scrapbook of our love story
85. Get a massage
86. Buy a new lap top
87. Commit to skin care routine
88. Learn all the settings on my camera
89. Learn photoshop
90. Do what matters most
91. Start a garden
92. Make an infinity scarf
93. Run at least 2 5k (0/2)
94. Learn how to monogram
Stay Crafty My Friends
95. Go to a blog conference
96. Meet another blogger
97. Start a link up
98. Reach 2,000 readers
99. Blog everyday for a month
100. Record a vlog
101. Make a book of favorite posts
I will be updating this list as I cross things off! I am so excited to start this. I plan to try to add a few of these into my monthly goals to help me complete this list. I will be using the hash tag #scmf101in1001blog to keep track of my progress on Instagram and Twitter.
If you have made a 101 in 1001 list or are thinking about making one I definitely recommend it & let me know because of course I want to see it and encourage you to complete it!! :)
Happy Wednesday fiends!!!! 


  1. I have had read the entire Bible on my list for way too long now. Time to check that goal off and get to it!

  2. This is AWESOME and I hope you don't mind if I steal like half of these ideas! They're brilliant!

  3. This is an awesome idea. I may just have to start drafting up a list!

  4. I really like the idea of doing this! I hope you're able to accomplish every last one of these :)

  5. What a great bucket list!! I haven't done the 101 in 10001 but I do have a general bucket list page up on my blog. :-)

    xoxo A

  6. I saw one of these posts recently and vowed that I'd do one and now I just have to! Although I do have a general bucket list. By the way your list is really good, I always wanted to start a garden as well.

  7. Love the list! I have read the whole bible too! Can't wait to see how the next 1001 days go for you ;)

    - Alex @ Radiating Sunshine

  8. Ahh, Shelby! I love your blog! I can't believe it has taken me so long to get on. I will probably share this post on my blog if you don't mind(:
    Thanks so much for inspiration!

  9. Love your list--especially the helping others portion and of course "marry Matthew".
    I read the entire Bible using the YouVersion on my iPhone and it was really enjoyable because I always had access to it. Anyway you do it--go for it!

  10. I think it's cute that you put "marry Matthew" before you put "get engaged."

    I volunteer for a snail mail letter!


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