
Thursday, January 9, 2014

2014 goals {His & Her edition}

I took a little break from blogging over Christmas. I had planned on starting back up regularly right after Christmas with a recap and then a post about my goals for 2014 and then January goals but to be honest I just haven't felt up to it. I have gone back and forth between Murfreesboro and Cookeville more times than I want to count up so that I could be home for the holidays and just because I want to be there around Christmas. This was my first Christmas living away from home and all I wanted to do was to be back for longer than 3 days. Thankfully I had the 2 days after Christmas off so I was able to be there a little bit more and I got off early on New Years Eve and we headed straight home. But now the holidays are over and I'm back in Cookeville and I am glad and ready to get back on a normal routine. I'm ready to unpack my bags and stop living out of my Vera Bradley tote and 31 shower bag.
I will eventually get around to sharing my Christmas with y'all...eventually
So for those goals... 
Matthew and I sat down and decided we wanted to make some together and some personal ones.
So here they are...
1.Pass all 4 parts of the CPA exam
2.Complete MBA program
3.Have a job lined up before he graduates
4. Be a servant of Christ, every day
5.Healthier lifestyle (workout, eat healthier, smaller portions, etc) 
6.No coke
1.Save money
2. Be a servant of Christ, every day
3.drop down to part time at work this fall and finally become a full time student again
4.healthier lifestyle (workout, eat healthier, smaller portions etc)
5.Wake up earlier
6.Run a 5k
7.No coke
9.Have more social media free weekends
1. Start a devotional together
2. Workout (healthier lifestyle in general)
3. At least 1 date night a month
4. Take a couple of day trips to a new place (close by of course)
So there you go! I might just be the last one to share my goals for 2014 but oh well!
I have more than enjoyed reading yours and I am so excited for everyone and pray that we can meet them all!!
Tonight we are going to watch the Predators play against the Anaheim Ducks! This was one of my Christmas presents from Matthew and I am so excited! We are stopping by Chili's (my fav) for dinner and then we will be Nashville bound!
P.S. So far I have gone 9 days without any type of coke, and I would probably give my left arm right now for a large coke from McDonalds but I am just going to drink my water instead! The caffeine headaches have FINALLY stopped, thank the good Lord above. I flat out thought I was going to die last Thursday it was hurting so bad, I know I am a big ol baby when it comes to this lol. 


  1. I love how both of you are deciding to cut Coke out of your diets. It's a great idea! Personally, I don't drink any pop. You'll end up loving water just as much!

  2. awesome goals!!!!

    Ive cut coke out of my diet and I feel so amazing, I drink so much water a day I am surprised I am not floating away by end of the day!! Try putting some cucumber in your water it is super refreshing!!!

    Date Nights!!!!!!!! are a huge goal for hard I always hate leaving Breanna but its a must!

  3. I love your goals!! Not drinking coke is the hardest! I stopped back in August and now I drink coffee, better but not the best? Now I need to limit that habit. I don't drink near as much coffee as I did Dr. Pepper though!

    I also want to work on social media free weekends. I feel like we all rely on it so much.


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