
Thursday, February 20, 2014

I'm the kinda girl

I'm the kinda girl who...
// hates when I have a random piece of hair sticking out of my "messy" bun
// Hates putting up clothes but loves folding them when they come out of the dryer because they are nice and warm
// Could eat Taco Bell for every meal and not get tired of it
// loves loves loves singing nights a church or devotionals
// Thinks that loud sound in the middle of the night is a tall scary guy with a gun coming to kill me and steal my cheetah flats and lap top
// Will give you a hug when I first meet you instead of shaking your hand
// can't sleep with socks on but will wake up freezing
// doesn't miss a meal and if I do I think I'm about to die from starvation
// LOVES elderly couples and will make pictures of them walking down the street together
// isn't camera shy
// heads straight for the clearance rack first
// loves the old shows. Golden Girls and I Love Lucy will always be my favorites
// loves getting lost in a good book
// paints her nails about 2-3 times a week, seriously it's a problem.
// makes about 10 lists a day on little sticky notes and stick them all over my desk so I can remember them throughout the day.
// loves road trips!! Nothing better than exploring new places.
// loves planning things out
// loves Mountain Dew a little too much
// hates sleeping past 8:00 in the mornings...headache will happen if I do
// loves her Bible
// has a hard time of getting rid of something but will get in a cleaning mood and throw it all out a couple of weeks later
// believes days off are Heaven sent
// calls her boyfriend every time she gets in the car
// searches for coupons before buying things at full price (Retailmenot is a money saver y'all)
// can't stand rude people and usually let's them know, in a nice way of course
// has never tasted alcohol, just not my thing 
// straight up freaked out when she heard the government was shutting down and text her dad to see what in the world that meant.
// loves any type of project that involves a before and after picture when finished
// gets all giddy inside when her boyfriend shows up at her door with flowers even after she told him she didn't need them.
// loves her yoga pants more then words could express
// loves decorating and planning events
// thinks you should always, always celebrate the small things. When you stop celebrating you stop living.
// would love to live in a small town within 30 minutes of a beach or on the beach, I wouldn't hate it
// about flat out died when I found out they were making the series Girl Meets World
// wants to redecorate my apartment all the time
// who really wants to start running but the idea of running already makes me tired
// got way to excited to write this post
linking up with Holly  


  1. I love the picture of you that you chose! I hug everyone when I meet them too (unless it's a professional environment), can't sleep with socks on and can't miss a meal! I love how much we have in common!

  2. Love posts like these!! Your blog is for sure one of my daily reads. I am also a HUGE planner haha.

  3. Oh, I love this! We have so much in common, I'm glad I'm not alone in the world! haha(:

  4. Such a cute post! Glad we have so much in common chica :)

    - Alex @ Radiating Sunshine

  5. I've been pretty MIA from bloggin for a while and saw your post and was like that looks like an interesting read, sure enough, it was!! I love the hug instead of shaking hands, that is definitely a southern thing for sure :) and that is exactly how I am!! Loved a lot of your "i'm the kinda girl" things, especially your cleaning one!!! I used to hate to throw things out and will from time to time, but when it comes time to an all out intervention cleaning, it's gone!!! Hope you have a fantastic week!!

    Stacey @ PS Loves Adventure

  6. HATE skipping meals. LOVE the clearance rack. Love this! I'm going to have to do something like this soon. Great post! :)

  7. I hate when a piece of hair comes out of a bun to and any other kind of up do. just gets under my skin.

  8. I will not stop fixing my hair until that random piece goes away :-)

  9. Haha I am the same way about my hair! It has to look perfectly messy lol. Also any noise in the house has me thinking there is a burglar or a rapist coming to get me! This was great!


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