
Thursday, March 6, 2014

February 14th

(Self timer at it's finest y'all. Let's just pretend the lighting is good in my apartment)
This year for Valentine's Day we wanted to keep it kinda low key. We usually do dinner and a movie and whatever else we find to do but this year we just went to dinner. Matthew had made reservations a few weeks in advance so we didn't have to worry about waiting for hours like other people.
Matthew showed up at my door to pick me up with an umbrella in one hand and a dozen red roses in the other hand. I had told him multiple times not to buy me roses since they shoot the price up to an unreasonable price the week of the 14th but he obviously didn't listen lol. I very much appreciated my roses because I know how stinkin expensive they were...they are sat on my desk for a couple of weeks because I hated to throw them out as soon as they died.

We ate at a local place here in Cookeville called Nicks and it was delicious! We had gone there once before for an accounting banquet back in December for all the graduating accountants and knew we needed a good excuse to go back and we both agreed that night that we wanted to go there for Valentines.
After dinner we stopped at Redbox and grabbed a movie and headed back to my apartment.
I made Matthew a small no bake Oreo cheesecake so we had that for dessert and watched the movie.
I am so glad we decided to skip going to a movie and fighting the crowds this year, the older we get I think the more we just enjoy sitting on the couch with comfy clothes on watching a movie. Don't get me wrong we love going to the movies but not when everyone else in town is there. Plus we like going early in the afternoon so we can get a cheaper ticket price ;)
We exchanged our Valentine's Day presents early this year so here's the picture of him with his present back in late January (I wasn't joking when I said early!!)
and here is what I had waiting on the counter for him at my apartment! That little toolbox actually had nothing in it. I gave him a real toolbox a couple of years ago for his birthday and then I gave him this Bar-B-Q "toolbox" for Valentine's Day so when I saw that small one at the store like the day before and it was on sale for .50 I had to get it!! I was going to put candy in it but I decided to get his favorite candy...Buncha Crunch. We both cracked up at the empty little toolbox.
Four Valentine's Day celebrations later and he is still my favorite. I love being his girlfriend! 


  1. We've only gone out for one Valentine's Day out of five. I don't mind staying in on the one night everybody else is going out to eat.

  2. A no bake oreo cheesecake?! I want the recipe!

    That's sweet that he still brought you roses, but I know what you mean! They're so overpriced on Valentine's Day!


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