
Friday, April 4, 2014

5 on Friday

Can I just say how happy I am that it is Friday? This week has been the longest and I didn't Friday would ever get here. Work has been rough but I am thankful for having a job that pays well.
 I woke up this morning to a crazy loud storm. The lightening was SO bright and the thunder was so loud it jarred things on my bedside table. It was over by time my alarm went off and I got up and started getting ready for work and packing to go home this weekend and then it thundered one more time and there went our electricity...nothing like getting ready in the dark to start out your day. It's still gloomy and raining but I'm hoping the temperatures stay warm
Last Saturday night we watched Captain Philips and it was a good movie! It started out kinda slow but definitely made up for it and was pretty intense. There were a couple of actors in the movie that were just plain creepy. Especially this guy holding the gun something about his eyes were just creepy, when he got mad they would get HUGE.
So lil ole buddy of mine, Ethan, thought it would be funny to send this a couple of times...
 The weather this week was PERFECT! It was actually almost hot. We turned the heat off early this past weekend (thank goodness because I am not all about paying these high utilities bills). Matthew grilled Monday and Tuesday and it was delicious. We went to Cane Creek Park and got a good walk in
and had this incredible view
It rained Wednesday night so our softball game got cancelled last night because the fields were still too wet so we decided to go out to the soccer fields and just play a little and it was a lot of fun! I love nights like last night!!
Tuesday night Matthew grilled pork chops and we had dinner with his older brother and then headed over to the SOC house to meet some friends. We all headed over to campus to hear Dr. Oldham, the president of Tennessee Tech, speak. It was pretty good. We thought it was going to be longer and a little more but it was just a Q&A with the audience. Dr. Oldham is a member of the church so it was nice to hear his views on different topics and how he juggles his faith and work at the same time.
After that was over Matthew took us on a little tour of the building where all his accounting classes are and I finally got to see where he worked for about 2 years, in the business media center.
This was Matthew's desk and that otter costume to the left of him...he had to wear that a few times!!!!
They promoted seat belt safety to elementary school children all over Tennessee. He would travel and talk to a couple of schools at a time. Most of the time he did the talking and someone else dressed up as Ollie the Otter but there were a few times were he was Ollie! The kids loved it and LOVED going to get their picture made with Ollie and to give him a high five. Precious.  It was fun seeing where he worked!
Have a great weekend!! :)


  1. PLEASE send that thunderstorm to ME!!!! haha. oh and Captain Phillips - you MUST watch behind the scenes stuff. It's so cool. They actually didn't get to meet Tom Hanks until the very first scene, how creeped out do you think Tom Hanks was when he saw 3 samalians storming in with guns...he hadn't met them yet! haha.

  2. Looks like a great week! Don't you love being able to take walks out together when the weather is nice?! :)

  3. I saw Captain Phillips on the plane! (Which I'm totally blogging about tomorrow). It was really good! I agree with you; those guys were so creepy looking. But, that text! Omg, lol!

  4. What a view!! That is so pretty! Grilling and walks is the perfect way to soak up the warm spring weather! And I'm totally jealous of your thunder storm! I'm getting antsy for it to warm up enough for us to have a good thunderstorm!
    I still need to see Captain Phillips! I've heard its crazy intense.


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