
Friday, May 2, 2014

{5 on Friday}

Can we just take a minute and appreciate the fact that it is finally Friday (& almost the weekend!!!!)
This feels like it has been the longest.week.ever.
Yesterday I came across this picture and couldn't believe it has been almost 4 years that this was taken!! This was taken on the day Matthew and I started dating.
I saw this the other day and loved it. This is so true. We need to stop trying to be like everyone else and be more like Christ, myself included. this is something we can always work on and pray about daily.
The crew!!
We are going to be so sad to see Andrew go in a little over a week.
Our SOC boys intramural softball championship was last night and they WON!!
Here is Matthew batting! This was his last intramural softball game :( Next year at this time, Lord willing, he will have a job!!
 SOC guys!!
 Some of the fans watching!!
You might agree with this or you might disagree, it's your opinion, but I definitely agree with this. I don't know statically about the second part of this but I honestly believe it takes 2-4 years to really get to know someone. I don't know about you but if I am going to marry someone I want to REALLY know them before I commit the rest of my life to them. At the end of this month Matthew and I will have been dating 4 years and I still learn something new about him all the time.
I am thankful we have decided to date awhile before we get engaged.


  1. The boy in the white jacket is HOT!

  2. I agree with the girl above, he is extremely attractive!


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