
Friday, May 23, 2014

5 on a Friday

Although I am excited to have Monday off I do realize this isn't just any holiday, it is a day fully designated to remembering those that have died for our freedom. With that being said I do also realize we should not only be thankful on Monday but every single day.
So thank you to those in the U.S. Armed Forces for all that you do, have done and will do.
And a shout out to the spouses/families/girlfriends/friends that are back home supporting them. You also have my utmost respect.
Next week is our 4 year anniversary!
I obviously love celebrating things so I have been planning a few things out and I am very excited!
I also have a couple of fun posts planned for next week (if I can remember to post them, ha!)
until then here is a picture from our 1 year anniversary!
Matthew sits for the first part of the CPA exam in exactly FIVE days!! He has been studying and studying these past 2 weeks. Last night I was in my room unpacking and I could hear him walking around in the living room pretty fast. I walked in there and he was pacing back and forth. I know he only does that if he's really stressed or mad and there was nothing he could be mad about so I knew he was stressed. He was fed up with studying and tired. He started rambling some nonsense about changing his degree, honestly it sounded like it was in Spanish. We had a little come to Jesus meeting and he snapped back into reality. I sent him on his merry way back to his apartment so he could get some sleep lol. I talked to him this morning and he sounded just fine, that boy just needed his sleep!
So if you could, please keep him in your prayers over this next week. We would both appreciate it :)
Tan. This girl needs a tan. I am used to spending my summers laying out half the day before I would have to go into work so this whole working full time is getting in the way of that. I know, welcome to the rest of my life but I do get a little really jealous when I see all of my friends posting pictures of them laying by the pool or on the stinkin beach! So this weekend I am hoping to get in some tanning time, with sunscreen of course!
My apartment is coming along! I am still not finished unpacking. After working all day the last thing I want to do is unpack and make multiple trips to the store but I am closer than where I started. Just a few more boxes left! For the back deck I am wanting to add some bistro lights
I am OBSESSED with them, and I have already told Matthew they will be at our wedding reception.
My deck isn't anywhere near this size but it does look like the person living there before me had some type of light system up. Plus I have already found a great deal on them! 
Have a fun/safe weekend!!

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