
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

year two

If you missed year one you can go back and read it before you start year two!

We celebrated our 1st anniversary that May with a movie & picnic at the greenway since that's where we went the day we started dating. Year two held a lot for us. We went to a lot of different places, I had my wisdom teeth out, Matthew turned 20 and I turned 19, we still went on many dates, he got a job in retail and I kept mine at the daycare, and Matthew started his sophomore year at Tech and I started my freshmen year at Motlow.
//Year TWO//
In late June I had my wisdom teeth out, Matthew went with me and helped take care of me after, poor thing, I almost threw up on him. He was such a sweetheart and even painted my toenails because he knew I wanted them ready for July 4th coming up.
To thank him for being there for me through my wisdom teeth craziness I picked him up from his house, blind folded him and brought him over to my house where I had the back patio set up for dinner.
Celebrating our second July 4th together
We painted this and when it was finished it had our names and anniversary date on it, for some reason I didn't get a picture of the finished product. It was fun splattering paint everywhere though
 We took a day and went to the zoo in Nashville. It was H-O-T but we had a lot of fun
 In late August Matthew headed back to Cookeville for classes but still came home every weekend. This year he tried staying 1 weekend a month but was just unhappy with it and decided to come home every weekend. Here is the basket I made him to take back with him!
He drove home for the blackout game again and we went with our best friends
We celebrated my 19th birthday
 Over fall break we went hiking at Fall Creek Falls and then drove over to Rock Island, it was the perfect day.
 Also on fall break we went on fall retreat as chaperones with the youth group at our church.
We carved pumpkins for Halloween
 Attended a tacky Christmas party with the college group at our church
We saw the Rockettes in Nashville. Such a fun Christmas date!
 We celebrated our 2nd Valentine's Day together
 We went back to CYC with our church as chaperone
 We celebrated Matthew's 20th birthday with his brothers and their girlfriends over spring break
I surprised Matthew and decorated my house for his birthday

Celebrated our 2nd Easter
In early May Matthew's parents took us to Gatlinburg for the weekend to celebrate the end of mine and Jenny's freshmen year of college and Matthew and Nathan's sophomore year! One of THE best weekends!!
We both had a day off that summer and went to Burgess Falls!

Spent our 2nd Memorial day together
We celebrated our second anniversary with dinner and a movie!
Over our second year together we got to know each other more, know what the other likes and dislikes. We took advantage of FaceTime and the weekends we had together. We still lived for the weekends and breaks from schools. We still tried to get dressed up and go out on a date abut once a month but there were some months we missed. We cooked a lot at my house this year and tried new recipes. It was a great year and we loved our summer together! Little did we know that this next summer he would be staying in Cookeville for his job. I had a hard time accepting that we wouldn't have ALL summer together like we used to but I knew he needed that job. We made it work and still lived for the weekends!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love how good you are about taking pictures. It is definitely something I was good about at the beginning of our relationship, but the pictures have gotten fewer and fewer each year. I've been working on it again recently. I love that you can document each year with so many pictures!


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