
Friday, August 1, 2014

August goals

-Drink more water
I have been a little better about this. I usually only have one coke per day and I drink a lot of water during the days at work.
-Join the gym
Planet Fitness just opened up here, I have read plenty of things about how Planet Fitness is a joke of a gym (hence: they hand out pizza and bagels) but 1.) I obviously am not going to the gym to eat unhealthy food  2.) It is one of the cheapest gyms in Cookeville so yes I will pick there to workout!
-Workout 3-4 times a week
-Finish decorating my apartment
I am SO close to being finished! I just have a few more projects I need to tackle this month.
-Make a wreath for my front door
Well, first I need to learn how to. I have watched countless videos on how to make a burlap wreath and I still just can't get it to look right but I am determined to learn how.
-Save money


  1. Caleb ans I are members of Planet Fitness! We love it. I don't readout understand why people call it a "joke", I mean it's a but odd that they have pizza nights but we just don't take any on those nights! Lol, and like you said, it's CHEAP! ;) good luck on your goals this month girlfriend!

    1. Sorry about the typos! My silly phone has a mind of its own! :)

  2. Oh I need to drink more water too!! I've been trying to stick to my own cup of coffee and water for the rest of the day, but even then I don't drink that much. Let me know if you find any helpful ways to drink more.

  3. We're members at PF too. The pizza thing is weird for a gym, yes- but they have great equipment and it's dirt-cheap so I'm happy going there! :) I should have added a wreath to my August to-do list too. I made a really cute fall one two years ago and I'm ready to update it this year!!


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