
Monday, September 15, 2014

Test scores & birthday celebrations!!!!

I'm back! I decided to take last week off from blogging, and it actually felt good.
Some pretty big things happened last week though, so I will catch you up!
The main thing that happened last week...
We knew the scores were supposed to be out Tuesday morning. I called him on my way to work to see if they had posted them yet and they hadn't so I knew they would more than likely be out by 8.
Sure enough they were. I was watching Twitter like a mad woman very patient person ;) and people started tweeting around 8 that they were out. I waited about two minutes seconds and then text Matthew asking if he saw his score yet and of course the website was taking FOREVER to load because everyone and their momma was trying to check their scores too. And then he text me and told me he is going to be a CPA.
I took my break a little early at work and called him (insert happy dance in the hallway at work here) and got all choked up as soon as I heard him on the other end telling me he passed.
Y'all I am so incredibly happy/proud/excited/relieved for him!!!!! I knew he could do it.
He sacrificed SO many events this past summer to study and worried so much. He ended up studying over 800 hours but it was ALL worth it. He is the first person ever to take the fast pass (take all four parts and pass during the summer) from Tennessee Tech and I am just so stinkin' proud of him!! God is SO good and we know this is nothing short of His plan!
I guess you could say Tuesday was a pretty great day!!!!
Thursday I turned 22 and was overwhelmed with all the sweet birthday wishes!
Last weekend we celebrated my birthday at home. It was a lot of fun and I loved seeing all my family! Matthew and his whole family surprised me with a Samsung Galaxy Tablet!!! :)
I have been wanting one for awhile! Matthew and I actually had a conversation about me getting one that Friday afternoon on the way home. I told him I was going to try and find a good deal on one on Black Friday this year LOL.
Matthew took me to Chili's, one of my favorites, for dinner on Thursday and then we had Refuel with the SOC and intramural games.
Tech did this on the quad on campus.
 I thought it was a great was to remember all the lives lost. There was a flag for every life lost on 9/11
I also bought some watercolor paint last week and I've been playing around with it. It's so fun using things that I used when I was in preschool in a whole new way.
I also had a pretty big package waiting for me on my doorstep on Thursday afternoon when I got off work, I'll share that with you tomorrow! :)


  1. Congrats to Matthew!!! (and to you! I know it is a lot of work to be supportive and patient during all that studying!). Sounds like a fun birthday too!

  2. YAY for Matthew and YAY for an awesome birthday gift!! We got a tablet last Christmas (we won it at jared's work party actually!) and i LOVE having one!! :)

  3. Happy birthday! And congrats to Matthew!

  4. WOO HOO! Congratulations to him!! Happy belated birthday, hope it was great.

  5. Wow! I have heard horror stories of the CPA exam so that is GREAT! Definitely doing a happy dance too! :) I love your blog and followed you on insta, Facebook, and GFC so I won't miss a post!! :) I would love for you to come on by and follow along my site if you want!


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