
Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Watching...Friday Night Lights, still! I am finally on season five. Love me some coach Taylor ;)
Drinking...Spark! Fruit punch flavor, it is SO good!
Enjoying...This season of life. I mentioned yesterday how things are going to be changing soon and a new chapter will begin. I remember Matthew always talking about how fun intramurals were and how big of a deal they were to everyone here at Tech. I am so glad I am able to experience them now with him and everyone else. From long distance for three years to finally being in the same town, God knew better than we did (as always) and we couldn't be more grateful! Soaking up every second of Matthew's last semester here in Cookeville.
Our new intramural shirts ;)
Wishing...I had a few more hours to sleep in this morning ;) clean my apartment.
Loving...These sunsets lately!! There are probably 30 pictures of sunsets in my camera roll right now but Tennessee has some of THE best sunsets :)
Excited...for the singing tonight! This semester we have started having a singing every other Wednesday night at the SOC house after church. It is incredible. There is nothing better than singing praises with 30+ people in a small house.
Doodling....Lately I have been cranking out one or two random ones a day. Here is one I did the other day. It took a little longer to make than I expected but I loved it. I have learned this helps pass the work day a little faster ;)
Today starts the best three months of the year, in my opinion ;)


  1. OMG! So fun! I want to invite myself to your night of singing!! That sounds amazing!! :) you are so blessed girlfriend!

  2. Sign me up for a night of worship too! :) So awesome! I take tons of sunset pictures too... I can't get enough of them!


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