
Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday Ramblings

Happy Friday!
Since I have a lot to share I'll share in list form
- Tonight I am going with the SOC to The Cumberland Caverns for a singing. I haven't been there since I was in the 5th grade so I am excited to go and see it again. Even better, a singing night, if y'all have been around here then you KNOW singing nights are my favorite. 
Singing in a cave...can y'all imagine how that's going to sound?!
Here are some pictures I found online of Cumberland Caverns
- We are going Saturday to pick out the groomsmen suits! Well, we already have them picked out we are just going to get them. They are on sale at Men's Warehouse so they are getting a pretty good deal!
- Matthew and I HAVE to get our passports this weekend. I don't know why we but we just keep forgetting about them. 
- I am hoping to finalize our guest list by the end of next week, so I am going to work on it this weekend when I get some free time. I designed them and we are having them printed through Vistaprint and they are having a good sale going on. I have already priced them and with this sale we can get our invitations and RSVP for over $100 cheaper so we will be ordering them before this sale is over! Also,Vistaprint sends plain white envelopes for free!
-The weather this weekend is supposed to be really nice and I am so looking forward to that! Bring on that warmer weather and sunshine!!!!
Can't wait to break out my sandals and white pants :)
- Today is food day at work, and this months is a salad bar. I am a little too excited about this! Currently counting down the minutes until it's my lunch LOL
- P-Hood (what Matthew and I call it) or also known as Parenthood...we are obsessed!!
I remembered hearing a lot about it back in January when the finale aired so over the snow days I decided to start watching it. As of last night I am in the middle of season FOUR! It is so good and I got Matthew hooked on it, too! I usually can't get through an episode without tearing up lol
- Kirkland's...I can't stay out of that store!!!! We bought a mirror there this past week and it was on sale! I absolutely love it and can't wait to get it hung up! I'll share more on that next week! :)
Have a good weekend!! 


  1. Caleb and I used to watch parenthood religiously!! Haha then we stopped cause we went away to college. We need to pick it back up! I loved it!! And oh my word- singing in a CAVE?!! Yes!! Happy Spring, dear!!

  2. only season four? Stock up on the klenex! Best show ever

  3. Have so much fun at singing night- I bet that will be amazing in the caves! :) Get that passport! And then after you get married and change your name, be sure to mail it in to get an updated one SOON, so they don't charge you :)


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