
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Life Lately + Good News

The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind and I just think back on our wedding day with such happiness in my heart. I could just cry thinking about how amazing our wedding day was and I want to jump up and down thinking about how incredibly joyful I've been since. Y’all are the best for all your sweet comments during this exciting season of life. Once we get a second to stop and breathe I will share everything with y’all! Fingers crossed I can share about our honeymoon with y’all this week, but for now here is a picture from our trip!

 It’s still so hard to believe our honeymoon has already come and gone. Seriously?!?! Our engagement is over, the best day ever happened, honeymoon happened, and now we are MARRIED and at HOME.
 July absolutely flew by, and I am still trying to wrap my mind around everything.  

A pretty big thing happened a few weeks before we got married.
I got a new job!!!!

I started at the end of June and I have been loving it so far. God's timing is always so, so perfect.
I had applied to a few places in and around the Nashville area because commuting back and forth to Cookeville after we got married isn't something I would like to do. Gas prices aren't going down either!
I have a mutual friend my new job and she is the one that I contacted about the position.
I had applied to the job I now have and had an interview but received an email stating they decided to hire internally. I was pretty bummed out, but Matthew encouraged me to look for more places and that I would find something. He really is the sweetest and was so willing to help me look for a new job. Well about two weeks later she messaged me and asked if I would still be interested in that position. I responded immediately with a huge YES. She said she would tell the HR Director and then they would go from there. He called me the following Monday with a job offer, and of course I accepted!! Talk about being blessed! As soon as I got off of work that day I drove straight to Matthew's apartment in Nashville and was waiting on him when he got off of work with the good news. We went to dinner to celebrate and then I went back to my apartment in Cookeville and turned in my notice the next day at work. 

July 4th weekend was my last full weekend at home. I'm so thankful it was a long holiday weekend, but it still felt like it flew by. I was trying to take it all in and spend as much time at home as I could. This weekend after that was my bachelorette party (I can't wait to share all about that!), and the next weekend was OUR WEDDING!
I told my new job in the interview about our wedding to just go on and get it out there and they were so supportive, and ended up letting me have 7 days total off! The Thursday and Friday before the wedding and the whole next week for our honeymoon. 

My apartment in Cookeville is almost cleaned out! Matthew and I went to Cookeville as soon as we got off this past Friday so that we could pack stuff up and bring car loads to our apartment in Nashville. I finally have all my clothes at our new apartment!! YAY! We got the bathroom and kitchen completely cleaned out and we're going back this weekend to finish up the rest since my lease is up this Saturday. Our apartment is a big ole mess right now with all of my stuff laying around waiting to be put up and organized and my OCD is kicking in BIG time! I was very tempted to get up a couple of hours earlier this morning to start working on it all but decided sleep was better, haha!

Matthew and I joined the iPhone 6 world this past weekend! I was FINALLY available for an upgrade. I've been using my dad's old iPhone 4 and it was about to give out on me for good lol. 
I know this is a really long post I just feel like I have so much to share!!
Happy Tuesday, friends!


  1. Goodness you look amazing in that pic! Such a cute suit! I'm excited about your new job. Isn't God's timing perfect??? :)

  2. Such a blessing! Congrats on the new job.


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