
Friday, September 18, 2015

The Marriage Diaries Vol. 2

Two months. Two months we have been married. It's funny because I remember just a little bit ago when we were two months away from our sweet day and time literally seemed to be dragging by, and now these past two months have flown by. I'm usually really excited and ready for fall. Ready for the cooler days and fun activities fall brings, but this year I'm just not ready to see summer go.

If I had to describe our second month it would be: Adjustment and compromise.
Month one was really busy with all the moving and we hadn't really fallen into a routine but this month we've been able to settle in and get a routine going. And that's where the adjusting comes in. Matthew and I both lived alone in our own places before we got married. We had our own way of doing things and our own habits. I lived in my apartment by myself for over a year. I never once questioned anything about throwing up a new piece of decor if I liked it. It was my place so if I liked it I used it. He was the same way, not really on decor, but if he wanted something in a certain place he left it there and that was the objects place. You combine two different people with two different opinions on some things and then you have COMPROMISES!

I talked briefly about this in a post I wrote a little bit ago, What I love about marriage, and how it's all just a learning process. I'm not in anyway complaining about these topics, because I really do see how lucky I am to have someone like Matthew to learn all this with AND together, and what a blessing that is! I remember hearing people say how marriage is hard and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what they meant, but now I can see how it's not always easy. And if this is the "hard" part in our marriage then I am one grateful wife.
Is our marriage perfect? Absolutely not. Arguments still happen and sometimes we still annoy each other. Our marriage will never be perfect and we will always be learning, and I am so thankful for that. Lord willing, we will have a life full of compromises and adjustments. I know there will be new seasons of life to adjust to, but I wouldn't want to adjust to them with anyone else other than my Matthew.

Two months ago we made vows to one another in front of God, our family and friends. We promised to follow each other through all of life's experiences with each other all while following God. I pray that this is always our hearts desire, even when we've been married for 60 years.
There are many choices to make in life, but choosing to marry and love Matthew is the easiest choice I've ever made.


  1. You are so right! Compromise is hard but important. Marriage is not perfect everyday but it really is the best thing ever!

  2. Happy 2 month anniversary!! Everyone says that the first year is the hardest but we found the first year to be so much fun! Yes, there are hard times and lots of arguments but it was still a great year!

  3. Marriage is the hardest and BEST choice ever! You already have a beautiful perspective on marriage!

  4. I love this post! I got married just over a month ago and can certainly relate! It's been the best month ever but a learning experience as well. I'm excited to follow along on your newlywed journey!! (:

  5. This is awesome! I got married last March and I am still learning things all the time! Compromise is definitely important! :)


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