
Friday, November 6, 2015


I have a few new friends around here so I thought I would do a fun little post about some things y'all might not know about me. So here are 10 things most people don't know about me!

My favorite date, my favorite necklace, and my favorite dress

1 | I hate when my feet get cold. 
I usually wear two pair of socks with my boots in the winter just so my feet don't get cold.

2 | I lived in the house I was brought home to from the hospital for 21 years, until I moved to Cookeville. My family still lives there, and it always makes me so happy to go back "home". I know we are married now and have our own place that we call home, but I think Matthew and I will always call our parents home, home. 

3 | I always have to have a candle burning when we are home. They are just so relaxing and can put me at ease in seconds. Matthew has caught on to this very quickly and when he gets home before I do he usually lights a candle right before I get home...melts my heart every single time. 

4 | I absolutely HAVE to set two alarms every single morning. I sit a "warning alarm" as I like to call it, 10 minutes before I really have to get up. So if we have to get up at 6:00 am then I set my alarm for 5:50 am. I hate getting straight out of bed as soon as my alarm goes off so that 10 minutes lets me ease into it lol. #diva I know.

5 | I am not a coffee drinker. At all. I have tried and tried to make myself like it, but I just don't think it's going to happen. I'm not too sad about it, I don't have to worry about it staining my teeth! If you ever see me with a cute coffee mug, it probably will have apple cider in it or hot chocolate. Those two I can drink all day long. 

6 | My title at work is Administrative Assistant but more and more people are starting to call me Boss....and I'm not stopping them #youcancallmequeenbee
Just kidding, of course, but seriously. 

7 | I probably spend about 1.5+ hours a day looking houses for sale online. Zillow, Redfin, Movoto, and Trulia can be found in my History

8 | I can't sleep on a pillow, but I have to have a pillow with me when I sleep. Matthew thinks I am the craziest person, ever, but it's true. I have the flattest pillow that is probably 20 years old and I lay my head on it until it's time for me to go to sleep and then I put it up against my headboard and throughout the middle of the night I will pull it down in my sleep and lay on it for a little bit at a time. I usually never wake up sleeping on it though. Matthew didn't believe me when I told him I did this until we got married and he saw me moving it in my sleep lol.

9 | I used to hate not having plans for the weekend growing up. I remember being in high school and if we didn't go somewhere or have plans for the weekend I thought my life was over. I would beg my parents to just go grocery shopping or driving around in town so I could get out of the house and actually have something to do. Now, I feel like it's the exact opposite. A weekend with no plans? Sounds like the best thing ever. Not leaving the apartment all day? YES, please! I could get so much done if I didn't have to leave. I told Matthew the other day, I think we are actually becoming grown-ups lol. Sure we have big boy and big girls jobs, big boy and big girl bills to definitely make us feel like grown-ups, but the thought of having absolutely no plans makes me extremely happy.

10 | Apparently I am a violent sleeper...about a month after we were married I kneed Matthew so hard in his side while I was asleep that I dislocated one of his ribs and he had to go to the chiropractor for a few weeks. #wifeoftheyear
I honestly had no idea I even did it and every since then I have been so self conscious about it that if I am moving my knee up in the middle of the night I wake up and immediately put it back down so I don't knee him again. #newlyweds

And because I just love this picture from yesterday's post!


  1. Love this post! I'm a big fan of flat pillows! I used some of my old, flat pillows on our guest bed and my mom went out and bought us more because they were so bad lol

  2. Before we realized we could afford to build, we looked at houses online for days! So I understand the obsession! I felt like I knew every house for sale in my town, the price, and the square footage haha!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. You have such a great way of writing, so light and cheerful. Great post! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Oh my gosh I'm so glad that you found my blog so I could find yours! What a perfect day for me to stop by, I got to learn a little bit about you :) Giiiirl, I think we may be kindred spirits! Hates cold feet, candle obsession, I'm a two alarm girl, I secretly search Zillow all the time (don't tell my husband), and I looooove weekends when we don't have to go anywhere! See, instant friends! Thanks so much for sharing! :)


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