
Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Today is our engagement anniversary. I still can't believe that the boy I love went from being my boyfriend to my fiance to my HUSBAND all in these past 365 days! What a joy it has been watching Matthew take on these new titles and transitioning into them so well. So much has happened in these past 365 days, it's kind of hard to wrap my head around all of it. You can read all about how Matthew proposed to me HERE!

We were engaged a little under 7 months (208 days to be exact) and those months were probably some of the longest months of my life. They probably felt that way because Matthew and I were living about an hour apart and really only got to see each other on the weekends. I remember multiple times we were frustrated with ourselves on making such a "long" engagement. We had honestly thought about moving our wedding date up a bit, but in the end it worked out perfectly. Those 208 days were all in God's timing. We were able to plan and prepare for our wedding/marriage, and looking back now, I wouldn't have changed those 208 days of our engagement (I also wouldn't add any days to our engagement lol 208 days was definitely plenty long for us!) I thought I knew happiness 365 days ago, but come to find out, I had a lot of happiness left to discover (and still do!) 

I know that anniversaries will only get better from here. Days like today are the little ones, but it's still fun to celebrate even the small events. And I'm overwhelmed when I think about the fact that we haven't even really begun to scratch the surface of this whole marriage thing. 

Matthew, it is an honor to have your last name, and to be your wife. Having you introduce me to people as your wife will never, ever get old. What an adventure these past 365 days have been!

We had an engagement picture as well as a wedding picture taken at the same spot where Matthew got down on one knee. All three occasions were very exciting, and that's now my favorite spot on Tech's campus. 

December 22, 2014 was a really, really good day, but every day after that one has only gotten better.


  1. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! We were engaged on Christmas Eve 30 years ago. I hope your next 30 will be as good as ours have been (notice i didn't say easy! ;) ).

  2. Happy (late) engagaversiary! That's so much fun! So glad y'all aren't living an hour apart anymore!


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