
Monday, January 4, 2016


2016 is already off to a great start! We had the best weekend together doing a whole bunch of nothing. Just kidding, we did do some stuff just without an agenda. Y'all, those are the best kinds of weekends. No where to be and no set plans. I just LOVE doing life with Matthew.

I'll recap our big NYE.... ;) Matthew had to work on New Years Day so we decided not to go out on New Years Eve, and I can't say I was too sad about it. Staying in and ordering a pizza sounded more than okay with me! Winter has finally arrived (low to mid 50's lol) so I definitely didn't want to stand out in the cold all night. I made cheese dip and we ordered a pizza- simple and relaxing! We took all of our Christmas decorations down and I cleaned the apartment as soon as I got home on Thursday afternoon.. It feels so good having our place back in order. Clean and tidy! We watched a movie and the live concerts on t.v. and fell asleep by 11:30. I really am an old lady trapped in a younger lady's body. This was the first year I haven't stayed up to see the ball drop, but that's okay!
I did get a picture though! Comfy pj's and all :) 

Matthew had to work most of the day on Friday, but I was off. So I meal planned and went grocery shopping. One of my goals for 2016 (sharing those sometime this week!) is to cook more and eat out less. Saving money and learning and finding more recipes. I really am loving being in the kitchen more. I also went jean shopping! My old pair finally made it to the trash and I have been in need of some new ones for a good bit now. Surprisingly enough I buy my jeans at Wal-Mart. The past few pair have came from there and they lasted me a long time (a little over 2 years) and I was very pleased with their fit and style. Before grocery shopping I went to the jeans section and found two pair that I really liked. I also really liked the price tag on them! $17 for a pair of jeans? I'll take that any day! I have spent hundreds of dollars on jeans at Buckle and other name brand places and honestly, I like these just as much if not even better! And if I get a hole in them or something were to happen then I would be out $17 and not $110 for a pair of jeans. I still can't believe I used to pay that for one pair. Okay, rant over lol. 

Friday night I tried a new recipe and it turned out pretty good! I was excited to make black eyed peas for the "New Years Day tradition" and completely bought the wrong thing. I accidentally bought pinto beans. So much for my good luck lol Matthew definitely got a HUGE kick out of this and we laughed a good bit about my little ole pinto beans.  

Saturday morning I tried a new and really easy recipe I got from my mom. I'll share it soon. Season 6 of Parenthood is now on Netflix so we watched a few episodes and then got ready and headed out for the day. We looked around at some furniture stores just for the heck of it and found this new place called Southern Salvage, Nashville friends, if you haven't been there then you need to go ASAP. As soon as we walked in Matthew said,  "Oh boy, what did I get myself in to?" LOL we loved that store and spent a good hour in there. We walked out empty handed but we were definitely eyeing some nice pieces!! We came back home and watched even more Parenthood and then decided to go to dinner and a movie. I love spontaneous date nights!! I love spontaneous date nights even better when we have a gift card for dinner ;) We saw the last Hunger Games movie and both really liked it! We had forgotten a lot of stuff from the last one so when this new one comes out we are planning on having a Hunger Games movie marathon.

I have ALWAYS wanted a monogram necklace but always told myself I would wait until we were married. Well my mom and sister surprised me with this for Christmas and I LOVE it! I also love this new shirt I got for Christmas. It's actually mint it just doesn't look like it here lol. I really like the details on it and the way it fits. Comfy but still cute.

Saturday night and Sunday I worked on my goals...kind of.
I haven't finished making my goals yet, but I'm not stressed out about it. Last year I wanted all my goals made out and written down a few weeks before the new year. I stressed about it and then just felt silly, so this year I'm taking my time.

I'm excited about 2016, I feel like it's going to be a good year!


  1. I always try my best to meal plan. If I have additional time, I get really into it and scan the sale papers and strategically plan meals with the same ingredients. I tried to blog about my 2016 goals today, but it really just came down to wanting to live a normal life/get settled as a wife bc 2015 was all about the wedding planning :) I have decided to stick with monthly goals for this year! Your handwriting is fabulous!

  2. People put too much pressure on New Years so what you did was perfect! Alabama had their bowl game NYE night so we watched that and went to bed! Perfect in my book!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. Your New Years sounds great to me! Relaxing and spent with your hubby, my favorite kind of nights. I'm looking forward to any meals you post. I love to meal plan too! I also can't wait to watch some of the newly released Parenthood!

  4. That sounds like the best weekend!! Having no plans can really make the best weekends. I was so with you - by 11, I was ready for bed after packing up Christmas all day but we managed to watch The Office and stay up until midnight. LOVE your new monogram necklace - so adorable!!

  5. Low key NYE sounds perfect to me! We did it up this year but have already decided next year will be spent at home. (:

  6. I love that shirt, so pretty! My husband and I went out to Chili's for dinner on NYE and were home and in our sweatpants by 7:30. Boring but that's how we like it! :) Happy New Year!

  7. Love your calligraphy! Have you taken a class? I want to learn....


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