
Monday, February 15, 2016


We ended up deciding to go out for Valentine's Day and I'm glad we did. It's fun getting dressed up and going out with my man! We went to a new restaurant Friday night called Connors that just opened last week and it was SO GOOD. Matthew went to the one in Knoxville when he was on his business trip and really liked it so he wanted to take me to try it. Needless to say, it was the best steak I've ever had, and the atmosphere was great, too!

I found this dress last month on sale for $15 and just couldn't pass it up. I love the scallop style!

Matthew had to work Saturday morning so I went to my sister's championship basketball game and they won! Saturday afternoon we worked around the house. Unpacking boxes and cleaning out the garage so Matthew could park his car in there too. There were some cabinets left in the garage from the previous owner but they were in pretty bad shape so we took them down. There is so much more room without them!

Sunday morning Matthew woke up early and surprised me with breakfast in bed. The heart bacon was just too cute lol

We went to church and then met Matthew's parents for lunch and then spent the afternoon visiting with them. Sunday night we had crockpot cheesy chicken and rice! I love being able to come home to our meal already finished lol. Matthew wasn't a big fan of it, but I thought it was pretty good. Just a little tip- this is not like the cheesy chicken and rice you get at Mexican restaurants, but it is still good.

I carry your heart with me, I carry it in my heart. LOVE my sweet Valentine! 


  1. Married Valentine's Day is just the best isn't it?! Love it! Sounds like you all are getting settled in to your new home! We are really getting back into crock pot meals so we'll have to share some recipes! Coming home to dinner being pretty much finished is a great feeling!

  2. What a fun Valentine's day!!! That was so sweet of Matthew to bring you an adorable breakfast in bed! Hope the unpacking is still going well :)

  3. We LOVE Connor's!!! The food is always so, so good! Glad y'all have one nearby to visit!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  4. I LOVE your red scallop dress! So pretty and what a incredible steal! Looks like you had such a sweet Valentines! :)

  5. Such a sweet breakfast in bed. And I love your dress, especially the price. I definitely wore scallops for valentines day too


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