
Monday, March 7, 2016


Happy Monday, friends! 
The weekend flew by like usual, but we were able to get a lot done + get in a lot of rest! I had the windows open most of the weekend and took advantage of the warmer weather. I also got some deep cleaning in, it feels so good having a clean house!

Friday night Matthew got home from his business trip and we ordered pizza and watched How I Met Your Mother until it was time for bed. The best kind of Friday nights after long weeks. It is busy season for Matthew right now so he worked close to 70 hours last week, and here I was complaining about how tired I was after a 40 hour week. Thankful for my man, and all his hard work! 

Saturday morning Matthew went to work and I woke up and got started on the cleaning, and waited on them to deliver our new stove and refrigerator. After Matthew got off we ran some errands and grabbed Mexican for lunch and then worked around the house. 

I made lasagna for dinner, and then later that night our two best friends came over to hang out, and we made an ice cream run.

Sunday we did the usual, church, groceries, lunch, Sunday 

I cleaned a little more on Sunday afternoon and did some laundry. We went to church and then to dinner with our friends again. They told us about a Mexican restaurant we have never been to so we decided to go. Turns out, it is really close to our house (like 4 mins away!) and it was delicious! Our friends are on spring break and in town for the week, so we are hoping to hang out with them some more this week.

Here is my what I'm listening to this month! I love Spotify and wanted to share my playlist.

 I hope you all had a great weekend! :)


  1. Sounds like a great weekend! We love Friday pizza nights with a show binge or movie (I think that's our plan for this Friday!). One of my favorite date nights at home! So glad to see you like Dave Barnes too! Love his music :)

  2. Sounds like an amazing weekend!! I feel the same way when I complain about my work... sitting at a desk all day for 40 hrs and my hubby works a ton of overtime and is on his feet all day.

  3. I looove the warmer weather we are starting to have! Windows open is such a nice change!

  4. You have great taste in music!! I just started how I met your mother and love it so far! Barney is my favorite character ;)

    Edye //


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