
Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Time is flying by and I have gotten behind on my Marriage Diaries posts. I feel like so much has happened since my last Marriage Diaries post, and well, that's because so much HAS happened.

These past couple of months have been a little rough for us. I hate even saying that because things could be SO much worse, but it hasn't been all rainbows and butterflies over here. We're getting back to that point, fingers crossed, but it's been a little rocky. 5 different hospitals (Hermitage, Murfreesboro, Nashville (x2), and Chattanooga) resulting in 3 nights in the hospital, multiple (and I mean multiple) test and scans, meetings with 3+ different neurologists, so many restless/sleepless nights and we still don't have a a definite answer. When I stop and think of everything that has gone on I still find myself stopping and thinking, lucky us. Lucky us, the tests and scans came back completely clear. Lucky us, we were notified of Matthew's high blood pressure before something awful happened. Lucky us, Matthew was seen by some of the top neurologists in the state of Tennessee. Lucky us, we were taken back minutes after arriving at the ER, both times. Lucky us, the support we have been shown from family and friends was overwhelming. Lucky us, we both have jobs that not only encouraged us to take our time about coming back, but checked in on us to see how we were holding up.  Lucky us, we are working to get past this health scare, together.

Marry your best friend, you won't ever,ever regret it.


  1. Y'all have already experienced so much but the Lord is faithful and I'm sure you're coming out stronger :)

  2. It's always a weird space to be in, trying to balance feeling unhappy with what's going on with feeling grateful that things aren't worst. I'm happy for you guys that everything is clear.


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