
Thursday, August 18, 2016


Watching...Just like the rest of the world...the Olympics. Other than that I haven't really sat down to watch anything else recently. However, the other night while we were painting Matthew turned on Kevin Hart so that we could listen to him while we worked, and I was in tears at one point from laughing so hard. 

Listening...My summer playlist. I need to make a fall playlist soon!!

Reading...All of your blogs! I haven't sat down long enough at home to read a book in MONTHS.

Loving...My handsome HUSBAND! He is just too dang cute and literally always has me laughing. Love doing life with my guy. New recipes. That we finished painting our living room Tuesday night!!!!! Weekends with no plans. Upcoming plans/trips. DAILY CONTACT....we decided after my last eye appointment that I should try daily contacts. I tried about a weeks worth to see if I liked them from my optometrist, and I absolutely loved them. They are more expensive, but I 100% believe it is worth it. No more having to wear foggy contacts for a month at a time...woo hoo!!

Wearing....Daily contacts ;) and this adorable shirt! Any fellow Tennesseans out there?? Y'all need this shirt! More to come on it tomorrow!

Eating...I made these pork chops for dinner yesterday and they were delicious! Monday night I made my nannies dumplings and I'm pretty sure we inhaled them. Matthew and I love them.

Laughing...Does at my husband count? He is always cracking jokes or being goofy...and I love it! Also these tweets had me and Matthew cracking up....this would be something Matthew would do lol.

Working...On a new series for this little blog of mine!! Woo hoo! I am excited about it!

Travelling...We haven't been anywhere recently, which is nice for a change, but I think we are looking into going to Cookeville again....and we are PUMPED!

Planning...I'm about to get real boring here and say our meals for next week lol. #noshame in my meal planning game! I am also really motivated to cut our grocery bill in half. Not that it was crazy high or anything, but I came across a blog the other day and she had a whole post about cutting your grocery bill in half and I am always up for a new challenge lol.


  1. Oh my word Caleb and I love Kevin Hart. He is SO hilarious! His stand up is gold. Aww I love your love for Matthew. It's so sweet!! :) I feel ya on the daily contacts. I have a love/hate relationship with them, haha! That tweet is amazing. Sounds like something Caleb would do to me!

  2. I love Kevin Hart! I saw him live last year and it was SO GOOD. You will have to share tips on lowering your grocery bill. I definitely need to work on that myself!


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