
Monday, September 19, 2016


This weekend was so good! We got to see family and friends, rest, and be productive around the house. Hello fall deep cleaning!!

Friday night as soon as we got off we headed to Murfreesboro to meet some of Matthew's extended family for dinner. I have never met them and they haven't seen Matthew in years. They were passing though town so we all decided to have dinner together. Good food and good company! We stayed the night with Matthew's parents that night and woke up and fixed a big brunch Saturday morning. 

My birthday was last weekend, but with Matthew's surgery we decided to wait and celebrate with my family the next weekend. Which worked out great, I wanted Matthew to take last weekend and rest as much as possible! But I do have to share that my sweet and thoughtful husband surprised me last weekend on my birthday with a delicious ice cream cake from DQ. He knew he would be down with his sinus surgery recovery over the weekend and my birthday, so he ordered the cake earlier that week and had his parents pick it up and we all ate cake that night. So sweet and such a fun surprise! Sadly, I forgot to take any pictures. He got me a new purse that I am loving, and I got many other goodies from his family. So sweet and I am loving it all!!

After brunch I went to my parents house and my mom and I headed out to get our nails done. A few years ago my mom started taking us girls to get pedicures on our birthday and it just became a tradition. It's a tradition that I love and really look forward to every year!! 

I decided to also get my nails done since it has been almost a year since I had them professionally done and they were looking ROUGH. I chose a really cute fall color that I am obsessing over right now, OPI AmazON...AmazOFF

After we got our nails done we headed back home to change and get ready for dinner that afternoon. My dad's birthday is four days before mine so we have always celebrated our birthdays together, which I love! We all went to Cheddar's for our birthday dinner with the whole family, and my best friend, Sarah, came with us as well!
After dinner we went back to my parents house for cake and ice cream. For years my mom bought us store bought cakes, until finally one day my dad and I told her we like homemade cakes better lol. She was happy to save the money and just make them herself so for the past few years she has been making me a strawberry cake with chocolate icing- my favorite!

Sunday we woke up and went to church and lunch, and then came back to our house to take a Sunday nap!
After our nap we decided that we just really needed to make a Dairy Queen run for some blizzard run it was ;)

After our blizzard run we came back to the house and did some DEEP cleaning before heading out to church and then dinner. We were in the bed by 9:00 with our house was clean, and lunches were packed and ready for this morning...the best feeling on a Sunday night! I am hoping to make some pictures this afternoon of our fall decor to share with you all this week. I love having it all out!!


  1. Happy belated birthday! I love that nail color you chose.

  2. Happy birthday (late)! I like the nail color. I have never been to a Cheddar's...I don't think we have any in South Carolina...what sort of restaurant is it?

  3. Love blizzard runs!! And adore that polish color!! Happy belated birthday beautiful girl! Love seeing that smile on your face!

  4. Happy Belated Birthday!! Looks like a fun weekend of celebrating :) Pedicures and nice dinners are always fun!!

  5. What a fun birthday weekend!! I love that you have a pedicure tradition with your mom - so fun :) So glad everyone was able to celebrate you a week later and Matthew got to rest up :)

  6. Looks like you had a great birthday. That's a pretty color of nail polish.

  7. That color is amazing. Happy belated birthday :)


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