
Monday, October 24, 2016


Friday when I went home for lunch I noticed Reagan wasn't acting like herself and she was having a hard time going to the bathroom. Matthew got home from his work trip that afternoon before I got off and noticed the same thing. We called the vet and asked them if we should bring her in then or wait until our appointment the following morning, and they said it wouldn't be a bad idea to just go on and bring her in. So as soon as I got off I met Matthew at the vet and we waited for an hour an a half since it was considered a "walk in" visit. The vet was great and said she is probably a little constipated due to us transitioning her food. The breeder had her on Purina Puppy Chow and we were trying to transition her to Blue Buffalo for puppies. She also said the Blue Buffalo can be too much for puppies sometimes so back to Puppy Chow it is for a couple of months! The vet took her back for a little more examination and Matthew and I were sitting in the room waiting and we just kinda looked at each other like, "we are going to be THOSE parents" when we have kids one day lol oh well. We were very thankful that everything was okay with our girl! We were pretty worried her sugar had dropped from the way she was acting, thankfully it didn't.
After her vet visit she was tuckered out so we took her home and she fell asleep and Matthew and I ran out for some Mexican. We both had a craving and knew we wanted our favorite Mexican place in didn't disappoint! We came back home and watched the Preds game and went to bed pretty early!

Saturday morning we woke up and planned on going to town to run a few errands that morning but got a call from Sears saying our new refrigerator would be there within the hour, so I made breakfast and we waited on them. We got all new appliances back in February but about a month later the ice machine quit working and we have been going round and round with Sears to get them to fix it, and after a few times of replacing it they just brought us a new refrigerator and took the old one off. 

After that we went to Sherwin Williams so I could get a couple of paint samples for out kitchen. I had it narrowed down to two colors but needed to see it on the wall first. After that we took Reagan on her first PetSmart run to pick out a new toy for doing so well at her vet visit!

Saturday my order from Forever 21 delivered and I was pumped! I ordered these ankle boots and absolutely love them already. I should also mention that these are my first pair of ankle boots. The past few years I just haven't been too big on the ankle boot trend but I tried my sisters on at the end of winter last year and really loved them so I knew I wanted some for this year, and I'm so glad I did! I got them when they were on sale but for less than $30 you can't beat it! 

We had a lazy Saturday which was good after a busy week. The weather was incredible Saturday so I had all the windows open and loved it!

Later that afternoon we went back to Sherwin Williams for the paint color we chose for our kitchen! And I painted Saturday night while the Preds game was on. I finished up our kitchen Sunday afternoon and we love the color. I was so stressed out about which color to do the kitchen and literally couldn't decide which one I liked better, so I made Matthew decide which color we should do and that's the one we went with! I'll share our kitchen soon.

Also, the Preds had a great game Saturday night. They had five players out due to food poisoning from chicken soup they all had in Detroit the day before and still won...5-1 at that! It was such a good game, and my husband was a very happy camper!

Sunday morning we woke up and it was COLD in our house and outside. We didn't realize it was going to get that cold that night so after we took Reagan out we played with her in the living room and started the fireplace up! I am so excited to use that beautiful thing this winter!!
We only had the fireplace on for about 30 minutes before we had to turn it off to get ready and leave for church, but it definitely warmed us up!
After church we came home and had spaghetti and played outside with Reagan for a little bit. Then I worked on finishing up the kitchen before we had to go. Every year our church does a weekend where each class volunteers to do something around the community together. Last year we cleaned a local school's gym and cafeteria and this year we painted playground equipment at another local school. I didn't get any pictures because my hands were completely covered in red paint (and it somehow got in my hair??) but the playground looks so much better now! 


  1. Sounds like a great weekend!! Can't wait to see your kitchen :)

  2. Oh my gosh your pup is too sweet - glad to hear everything is okay! hope you have a great start to the week! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. She only weighs two pounds?!?! How do you keep up with a little fluffball like that?!? I would loose her in my clothes piles haha! I am glad that she is going ok! Those bootie are super cute, all of my pairs have heels, so I like that those are more flat!

  4. So glad Rae is okay!! Yay for a new fridge!! I can't wait to see the kitchen! Sounds like a great weekend!!

  5. Ohhh I cannot wait to see your kitchen!!! Your little pup is so sweet - glad everything is ok!

  6. Glad that Reagan is okay! A similar thing happened when we tried to feed Taste of the Wild to Saint (before we owned Luna). Mexican food sounds so good right now.

  7. That was a nice thing for your church to do. Glad Reagan is doing better.


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