
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

CONFESSIONS - CHRISTMAS EDITION's not my Christmas home tour like I promised yesterday, but at least it's a post. They have been pretty sparse around here lately. So here we go with some confessions!

...taking a vacation the week after Thanksgiving was wonderful, and much needed. but I feel like I just can't get back on my routine. With all the holiday festivities going on right now, which I'm very thankful for, I just feel like our routine is shot and it's going to be that way until after Christmas. No complaining here, I just thrive on routines, schedules, and a clean house and I'm going a little crazy.

....also, we decorated, for the most part, before Thanksgiving because of our vacation, and we loved it! So we will more than likely be decorating before Thanksgiving from now on. All you haters, it's our house we can decorate whenever we want and we can still celebrate Thanksgiving with our Christmas tree up. I don't mind being thankful and eating turkey with our stockings hanging over the fireplace...aaaaand end rant! ;)

.....we bought Reagan the cutest Christmas dress and I take about a 100 pictures of her every time I put it on her. #noshame has been absolutely freezing here the past couple of days (it was 18 degrees this morning!) and then I looked at the weather for the next 10 days and it's supposed to be 68 degrees on Christmas Day. Wahhh, the only time I want it to actually be cold is on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and it's going to be almost 70!!!! :( Maybe one day we will have a white Christmas...maybe. 

....every year I pick out the warmest/thickest Christmas outfit and every year I sweat through it. You would think I have learned my lesson by now, but just know I'll more than likely be sweating through my cute outfit again this year. Gross, I know. 

.....the thought of taking down our 12ft Christmas tree is just depressing and I am definitely dreading it. It came in 5 pieces and it's going to be a pain to take down. So obviously that means we should just leave it up all year, right? ;)

....we still have a couple of presents left to pick up...and my goal was to have all of them purchased by black Friday....LOL.

.....There were a few extra Christmas cards I needed to send out this past Saturday, so I made a stop by the post office and waited in the horrific line for them to tell me they were out of Christmas stamps and that the only kind of stamps they had left were animal stamps. I was okay with that, thinking it would be cute puppies or kittens but no, definitely not the case. I sent out a few Christmas cards with a snake, rat, goldfish, lizard and bird stamps. I can't make this stuff up lol. Nothing says Merry Christmas like a rat and snake stamp on your Christmas card ;)

.....I have not made a single Christmas cookie this year and I am incredibly sad about it. 

.....this post left me in a puddle of tears.

.....all year long I see stuff and think "oh I want that" but tell myself to wait until Christmas so when my family asks what I want I can tell them and every year when they ask I can't think of a single thing to tell them.

....just like everyone else, I can't believe Christmas is just a few days away. 

....maybe I'll get my Christmas home tour up promises though. I'm trying to enjoy all the Christmas festivities that I can!

and because every post needs a picture, here is a picture from the other night when Reagan was about to fall asleep beside us. Those eyes and


  1. I definitely thrive on routine, too, so I can feel your pain of being out of sorts! I always struggled with coming up with Christmas list items, so I keep a running list on my phone throughout the year. That way I don't blank when it's time to make my list!

  2. I decided this year to start keeping a list on my phone of items that I would like to ask for for Christmas! Because I always have been in the same boat as you and had no idea what to tell people... but this year putting a list together wasn't too difficult!! :)

  3. Reagan is so cute! Love that picture of her.

    You will get back into a routine once Christmas is over and it will all be okay. But I know how you feel, I also need routine and all that jazz in my life!

  4. I am so on the decorate before Thanksgiving train! Especially since we really won't be home for Thanksgiving... no one wants to be stressed out decorating for Christmas. Ugh I'm so with you on the colder temps! It's finally chilly (not cold) right now but it'll be in the high 80s on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day :( The animal stamps are awful, yet funny! Hopefully you can start making Christmas cookies soon!!!!!!

  5. I'm on the routine train with you. I can't get back in ours either because of our trip and heading right into the season and as much as I'm loving Christmas, I'm ready for the new year and getting back into our routines. We have been so busy we've barely eaten home once in weeks and it's driving me crazy!! Totally understand where you're coming from. Still keeping my fingers crossed for a surprise white Christmas :)


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