
Friday, February 17, 2017


This video is the cutest thing I have seen on the internet in awhile. I've watched it like 5 times lol the dads are adorable and you can tell they are trying so hard...adorable. 

And this adorable face melts me, even if it looks like she's missing an eye lol. T-8 days until she gets groomed again! She learned how to go down the stairs this week (which is a big deal in our house lol) and she lost another tooth! Girl is growing up...wahhh 😭

She's also single ;) she decided that she wanted to lay on our bathroom counter yesterday morning instead of in my lap while I did my's Reagan's world and we're just living in it ;) 
Don't worry I wiped down the sink after I got her off lol. 

There is so much sickness going around that they are closing schools, it's crazy! 
Seriously, look at all the schools that are closed

I didn't get a chance to organize anything around the house last weekend, which is exactly why I'm not following a specific schedule, but I'm hoping to tackle a few projects this weekend. My organization board on Pinterest gives me plenty of motivation!

I made two new recipes for dinner this week that were really good and left me feeling like super didn't last too long though, I realized we had nothing for lunch a couple of days this week. #wifefail

I have been on a Sound of Music high every since we saw it live Tuesday night, and I have been listening to this playlist on Spotify all week. It may or may not be driving Matthew crazy lol. I can't help it though, I'm obsessed. Julie Andrews, I love you. 

Happy weekend, friends! 

We are making homemade pizzas tonight and there is a possibility that some Mexican train will be played as well...yay!


  1. I need your motivation to organize, haha. When the weekend rolls around, all I want to do is lay on the couch.

  2. I need to scroll through your pinterest to get a little motivation myself!!! You have to share what new recipes you made this week - I always love hearing about good ones!

  3. I cannot believe the school closings for sickness! That's so crazy!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  4. Reagan is so cute!! That's nuts about the schools there! I hope you stay healthy!

  5. Oh, but the Sound of Music is SO GOOD. Totally worth annoying everyone. ;)

  6. Oh the puppy teeth! I forgot how fast those suckers would fall out.

  7. Oh man, Reagan is getting so big! Hope y'all don't re-catch whatever's going around - does not sound fun! Hope y'all had a good weekend :)


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