
Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Definitely wish I was laying in this looking at that view right now, but moving on!

I remembered a lot of these type of posts going around last year and just kept forgetting to do it, until now that is. I think it's a fun way to get to know readers and see just who all is reading along over here. I love hearing from you guys and getting to know you. I am always so surprised when someone tells me they have been reading my blog, or I get a message on Pinterest about something that I have posted, or my favorite: getting a snap chat from someone who just started following along...all of those have started a conversation with someone I didn't even know that was reading my blog, and I really appreciated it and enjoyed the conversation. So leave me a comment today and tell me a little bit about yourself! :)

If you'd like to share, I'd love to hear from you in a comment: 

 -Your name 
- A few things about yourself 
- Your location 
- and for a bonus question (lol)...what kind of posts you like to read about on my blog (or see more of)!

Even if you have never commented before or this is your first time on my blog, I'd love for you to tell me a little bit about yourself or at least where you're reading from!

If you have been following my blog for any amount of time, or today is your first time here, thank you for reading/following along. :) 


  1. Hi! Melissa here. I'm reading from North Carolina. I'm married with a sweet little puppy and no children yet too so I feel like I can relate to a lot of your posts! :) I love reading how you do things, especially planning and organizing. It gives me some motivation! Lol. And of course love seeing cute pictures of Reagan!

  2. Hi!!! I am Emily and as you know, I have been reading for awhile now. I live in St. Louis, but I am definitely a small town girl at heart, being from central Illinois. I have a job in the corporate world, but have my blog as my creative outlet. Love to read, cook and shop! Your posts that I especially love are the ones that just are about your everyday life / routines and anything related to planning / organizing. I love food posts, too! Pretty much everything, haha.

  3. So fun! BTW: I'm really wishing that was my view right now too ;) I love following you and the virtual friendship we have! Hopefully we'll be able to get together when I'm in Nashville again or when y'all come to Disney :)

  4. Hi! I'm Liza, I'm reading from Raleigh NC. My fiance and I moved here a year ago from New England, he's a police officer with Raleigh PD. I've been reading your blog for a few years now and I love the day-to-day type posts- work, cooking, family visits. They're so genuine and relatable!

  5. Hi! I'm Laura and I live outside Philadelphia. I'm married but no kiddos yet so it's nice to find a blog of someone who I feel like I can relate to! I love the posts about daily life!

  6. Hi! I've been reading your blog for about a month & really enjoy posts about your home/daily life! I'm from Houston, Texas and work a corporate job by day, blog by nights & weekends :)

  7. I'm Cara and I'm from the beautiful state of Minnesota!! I am a full time working mama to 3 beautiful crazy girls! We are currently in the throes of the teenage years and so far so good, haha!! I love reading, working out and crafts. Unfortunately I don't get a lot of time to do any. I love all your posts!!

  8. Hi ! I'm Tammy and I'm reading from Nebraska ! I'm a part time employee and mom to five and grandma to three. I love walking, scentsy and my furry little bunny Bella. I love daily life posts :)

  9. I'm Amanda and I live in South Carolina. However, my husband and I met and graduated from Tennessee Tech in Cookeville. I really enjoy reading how you all are adapting to being newly weds (cooking, making your house your home, starting traditions, etc). As a fellow newly wed it's interesting to see others at the same point in life.


Your comments always make my day!