
Friday, March 31, 2017


Matthew had his 6 month follow up with the ENT this morning to check and see how everything was looking from his sinus surgery back in September. The doctor said everything looks great and has healed the way it should have healed. Definitely a sigh of relief, and we are extremely grateful for the good report.

Have any of you ever heard of How Does She?? I follow them on Facebook, and literally every single day they are posting links to things that are on major sale. Their Facebook group is called How Does She SAVE. Literally everything from kids toys to makeup deals to name brand clothing items on sale.  Look them up when you get a chance!!

I was outside reading the other day while Reagan was playing and our neighbor was having his lawn mowed and Reagan could not figure out what in the world the poor lawn guy was doing lol. She kept barking and then running away when get came by our fence. She finally gave up and decided to watch him for the next 30 minutes from my lap

Who uses essential oils? I have been doing a TON of research on them, and after reading everything and talking to a few people I think I have decided to go with Young Living. I'll be ordering the starter kit soon, so send me all your tips and tricks!

We had some storms come through yesterday afternoon and in between the rain downpours the prettiest rainbow appeared.

I have been out of the blog world for a good bit this week, so I'm hoping to catch up this weekend! I have a couple of recipe posts and my "What I'm Loving" March edition coming next week, so maybe it won't be so quiet over here next week ;)


  1. I'm so glad Matthew's follow-up appointment went so well!! I hope y'all have a great weekend :)

  2. I was out of blog world recently. Reagan seems to have gotten bigger since the last pics that I remember. Cute as ever.

  3. Glad the follow up went well! I use Doterra oils and love them. I diffuse On Guard anytime sickness is going around to help us stay healthy, lemon or lavender when we're just wanting the house to smell cleaner or we're relaxing, and I'm learning on working how to make homemade cleaners using the oils too!

  4. Good to hear Matthew is doing well!


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