
Wednesday, March 15, 2017


I haven't had a confession post since back in December so I'd say it's about time for one!

I confess...Reagan is getting spayed this Friday and I'm already dreading dropping her off Friday morning.

I confess...I have also intentionally blocked off this weekend (& next weekend actually) from any plans so that I could stay home all weekend and take care of my girl! I also told Matthew that I wasn't cooking this weekend so pizza and take out it is...unless I find a crock pot meal that doesn't require a lot of time in the kitchen, ha!

I confess...Soon after we got Reagan we also got a camera that we set up so I could check on her throughout the day...I know, I'm crazy. It first started out because I wanted to see if she was actually going to the bathroom on the thing we bought for her, and then it turned into more of a way I could check on her throughout the day when I get a chance. I can just pull it up on my phone and see what she's doing at any given time, and I love it. Eye roll and judge all you want, but we like it and that's all that matters. :) 

I confess...The idea of staying home all weekend and no plans makes me way too excited. After two weekends of being busy and away from the house I am more than thrilled to be staying home!

I confess...I pulled out our spring/Easter decorations about a week after Valentine's Day. I waited until March to put up our Easter egg wreath on our front door, but I love it.

I confess...I have had the biggest sweet tooth lately and it doesn't help that my office always has treats.

I confess...I went for my 6 month teeth cleaning check up last week and I have my first real cavity...not even going to lie, I was pretty bummed about it. It's probably the result of my previous confession.

I confess...The Easter dress I am going to buy, but haven't yet, dropped OVER $30 this past week!!!! I'm so glad I didn't purchase it last week lol.

I confess...Trump will be speaking in Nashville tonight and I'm sad we can't go. It doesn't matter what your political views are, I think it would be pretty cool to hear a president speak in our town. I'm also dreading the traffic I will be in when I get off. Still not sure what route I'm going to take to get home since both routes will more than likely be shut down all day :) 

I confess...We had the fire going last night for the first time in over a month because it just hasn't been cold enough until this week. You know you live in Tennessee when you can't have the fire going on Christmas because it's 75 degrees, but you can on the first day of spring because it's cold!!

I confess...I bought some lavender essential oil a couple of weeks ago and I am OBSESSED. I usually have lavender going all day in my diffuser on my desk and in the evenings in our diffuser at home. We run peppermint oil while we sleep though! 

I confess...I have the urge to make any and all kinds of crafts lately, but I don't want to buy any of the materials for it. So for now I'll just pin all the crafts I want to make and keep telling myself I need to get the items next time I'm at the store.

I confess...I am really wanting to get a headboard or some type of bed frame for our bedroom. Matthew and I both like different styles, but I think we have finally agreed on a couple of styles that we both like. Now we just need to find a good deal on one! Here are two that we both really like, this one and this one

You can see all my confession posts, here.


  1. Weekends of staying home & doing nothing are my favorite!! I so wish I could drive down tonight to hear Trump speak. If it wasn't busy season I would happily drive 2 hours to see him! We have a very similar bed to the ones you're looking at and ours was wayyy cheaper I believe. We bought an Ashley one and it is gorgeous and holds up extremely well!

  2. Ugh I seriously LOVE Easter and have nearly no Easter/Spring decorations!! I hope once we get a house I can change that! :) your weekend off and free of plans sounds PERFECT! Enjoy!!

  3. Love both those headboards! One of my friends actually made one very similar herself - could be a DIY option if you want to save money! My Easter decorations were up in Feb...just couldn't help myself with the gorgeous weather...even if it has been snowing on and off the past few days!

  4. I love confession posts! I hope Reagan's surgery goes well! She's going to do great :) I need to pull out my Easter yard flag this weekend! I don't want to miss being able to get it out this year. I seriously love your options for your headboards - both will look beautiful!! Can't wait to see what you pick :)

  5. Easter is my absolute FAVORITE holiday and it's killing me not to have my decorations out since we are moving!! GAH! To make up for it, I'm going a little crazy with outfits for T and his basket too lol!

  6. I'm jealous of your low-key weekend! We're getting the house ready to show, and my husband is out of town so I get to do everything. Joy.


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