
Friday, June 9, 2017


Obviously my Friday post is going to start out about the game last was horrible, but this was even worse. If you're a Crosby fan, I'm sorry, but he is just a really dirty player. I literally still can't get over this from last night. Aaaand end rant!

Matthew watched The Office a long time ago and loved it, and has been trying to get me to watch it for years. I finally caved this week, but I have to admit that I am struggling to catch interest in it!! I posted this picture on my instastories and had a few people respond that the first season isn't the best but that it gets better after that, so I am giving it a try! 

My sister came over one night this week and after we ate dinner at home we booked it down to Jeni's for dessert! I tried the wild lavender and it was definitely wild lol but good, and then the classic strawberry! You just can't beat Jeni's!!!

I snapped this picture Thursday morning of us in our Pred's attire lol. Sadly, those shirts did not bring us any luck!!

I've mentioned it before, but I really LOVE our backyard!! Reagan loves to run around in it and I love to sit on the back patio and read while she plays. We will be spending so much time out here this summer!

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  1. Your backyard really does seem so lovely!!! I LOVE The Office, but am trying to remember if I struggled with it at all first. It for sure gets better, though.

  2. I'm not a fan of The Office, but I haven't really given it a fair chance either. That ice cream looks delicious!

  3. OMG The Office is the best!!! I watched it way back in high school but we semi-recently re-watched all the episodes and it's even funnier being in an office! Hopefully it gets better for you - the last season kind of sucked but oh well lol


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