
Friday, December 15, 2017


We have been watching Hallmark Christmas movies like crazy this year, and l-o-v-i-n-g-i-n-g them!
They are all cheesy, have most of the same characters, and same story to them, but we can't get enough. Since we got rid of cable last year, we just pull up the YouTube app on our TV and watch them on there. Who knew people uploaded full length Hallmark movies to YouTube?!?! The quality isn't always the best, but it's free, so it will do ;) There are a couple of Netflix originals that are pretty good too. 

Here is a list of some of the ones we have watched so far...

Which cheesy Christmas movies do you recommend?! 
We still have some that we want to watch before Christmas, so send any recommendations our way!


  1. A December Bride is one of my favorites. If you can find the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries on there, too, there have been some really good ones this year!

  2. I didn't know you could watch full length hallmark movies on youtube!!! Totally doing that since we don't have cable either. I definitely want to watch A Christmas Prince this weekend :)


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