
Friday, January 26, 2018


I was tagged on Instagram by Ashley to share 5 things about me so I thought I would share here, too!

This one is sadly very true. I have always dreamed of going one day, but the past year or two I have really wanted to go. I have a Pinterest board here of all things Disney and I've been watching a ton of Disney vloggers recently. The Disney World fever is pretty high right now. 

I was never 100% sure of what I wanted to do when I "grew up". I was always so jealous of those people who knew, without a doubt, what they wanted to do. Matthew came out of the womb knowing that he wanted to be an accountant and I love that, but I never felt that way about any career choice. Growing up I mostly wanted to be a teacher and at one point I thought nursing would be something that I was interested in, as I love helping and take care of people. That dream was very short lived as I quickly realized that the sight of blood made me pass out. 

This one is 100% accurate.

It doesn't matter how late I stay up, I am usually wide awake at 6:00am. If I do not have to get up and be somewhere, I usually lay there until around 7:00, but if I lay in the bed any later than 7:00 or 8:00 it makes me feel sluggish and bad all day and I usually end up with a horrible headache. So most of the time I am up and out of bed by 7:30am, at the latest. I feel like this will be good once babies are in the picture. 

Last one, I've mentioned it on here before, but Matthew and I played on the same coach pitch little league team.
Picture from 2010


  1. I loved your 5 things!! Definitely learned some fun, new things!

  2. from Japan ;Thank Thank you as always nice newsletter.


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