
Friday, May 25, 2018


Happy Friday! 

ONE | I think Kait said it best in her Instagram post, but THANK YOU to all those men and women who have and are still currently serving, and to those who have lost their lives protecting ours, we owe you everything. This holiday weekend and it's meaning is not lost on me. 

TWO | This has been one busy week! My company's headquarters is in Indiana so this week a few new co-workers and my new boss flew into town for some in person training sessions. They were great, but that led to some long days this week learning all the new things! One of our activities involved a Mr. Potato Head, ha!

THREE | Wednesday after a full day of training I wrapped up a few emails and hightailed it to my parent's house to do my sister's makeup for her 8th grade formal. It's not cool these days to have your parents drop you off at formal so I quickly volunteered to handle drop off....we won't even talk about the 500 tears I choked back as she and her date walked into formal. How am I ever going to survive dropping my own kids off at kindergarten some day?! We won't tell her I sat in the parking lot a good 10 minutes after I dropped her off debating whether or not I was going to stay the whole time or not. 

FOUR | Last night my sister and I attended the Harry Potter concert at the Schermerhorn Symphony Center downtown and it was incredible! It was the fourth movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and it was really good! For someone who hasn't seen the first 3 movies, I was actually interested in it and now I want to binge watch the first three this weekend.

FIVE | We are having a cookout with Matthew's family on Saturday and my family on Monday. We are looking forward to all the family time this weekend! Also, the pool in our neighborhood is opening for the summer this weekend and I am so ready!

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  1. You did a great job on your sister's makeup - she's so pretty! The HP concert looks like fun - I have seen them offered in our city, but haven't gone yet. Stopping by from Five on Friday - have a wonderful weekend!

  2. So fun you got to do your little sister's makeup and so fun you got to be the cool big sis, dropping her off! So much fun!

  3. The Harry Potter concert is such a neat idea!! How fun!!


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