
Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Hi guys! I'm back, and hopefully back for good. It's been a little over 2 months since my last post, and a lot has happened! The big thing (& huge reason for my blogging hiatus), I have a new job! It definitely wasn't planned and completely rocked my little world....

Monday, February 12th, I went to work, as normal, for the company I had been with for almost three years, and left that day working for a new company. My company got our biggest competitor. To say I was in shocked would be the biggest understatement of 2018, but the biggest shock came when they announced at the end of our meeting that day that there would be a lot of layoffs, and that we would find out our job status within the next 30 days.

I'll spare you all the details, but let's just say the waiting period wasn't pretty. I cried a lot and worried and stressed even more. Poor Matthew, he was such a trooper. He is truly the epitome of a helpmate, and I am so incredibly thankful to be going through life with him by my side. He spent a lot of those days reassuring me that everything would be okay, and was always looking for ways to encourage/help me with whatever I needed. We were pretty much told (by the leaders of our old company) that our job status wasn't looking too good, and to prepare our resume and start looking at new companies.

Matthew and I sat down and looked at our finances/budget for the next few months to see what it would look like if, I did, in fact get laid off. We knew we would be okay financially while I looked for another job, we just wouldn't be able to put back into savings the amount we like to each month. Matthew and I are so thankful to be in a place, where my worry and stress wasn't over financial concern, it was over finding another job in healthcare and something that I would truly love like I did my old company. We haven't always been in that place though, it took time, saving, and self control to get to that place, but now more than ever, we are so thankful for that.

For the next 30 (+ a few days) I spent almost 100% of my spare time job searching and networking. I practically picked up a part time job in applying for new jobs, who knew it would be so time consuming?! After it was all said and done, I had applied to over 30 jobs, connected with over 500 people on LinkedIn, and reached out to over 70 people on LinkedIn as well. If I was going to get laid off, I didn't want any down time, I know it's easier to get a job while you have one. All of that hustle paid off though, I had a few phone interviews with some of the top healthcare companies in Nashville and an interview with another healthcare company- that ended up extending a full time offer. 

Thankfully at the end of March the new company extended a full time offer and I gladly accepted! I had basically prepared myself to get laid off or to be offered a contract position for a few months, so when the full time offer was laid out on the table I was completely overwhelmed with emotions, thankfully I was able to hold them in, ha! Sadly, not everyone at my old company was offered a full time position. There have already been some hard goodbyes and there will be more to come as their contracts end in the coming months.

After I was offered a position with the new company in late March, I decided not to blog in April either. I spent time researching and learning as much as I could about my new company and there were just some nights where I didn't feel like being on my computer after spending so much of my free time on it job searching the month before. However, towards the middle to end of April I started searching for a new blog design and finally found one that I loved. I still have some tweaking to do, but I am excited to be back, and I have so many blogs to catch up on!


  1. So glad you're back and so glad the Lord provided for y'all! I can't imagine the worry you dealt with for those 30 days. Also, loving the new blog design :)

  2. love the new design! Looking so good sissta! Love you and so proud of you!

  3. Welcome back! Love the new blog design :) I am so sorry to hear about all the stress you dealt with but so glad you all were financially prepared to handle it and that you are getting settled in your new job!

  4. Congrats on the new job! I am excited to hear more about what has been going on!

  5. Congrats on the new job! I love the new design, too!


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