
Friday, June 15, 2018

VBS | 2018

What a crazy, fun, exhausting, HOT, and exciting week it has been!

VBS at our church started Sunday night and went through Wednesday night. We had the best time with everyone and all the kiddos! It was super hot, but the kids powered through with the promise that snack time was coming at the end of each night.

Matthew was in charge of the craft booth with another person from our church, so Sunday afternoon we got there early and finished setting everything up for the week. They decided that their craft would be to decorate small boxes, frames and coasters. 
The kids loved their crafts and decorating everything!

I was a tribe leader for the 3 & 4 year old age group...aaaand they definitely kept me on my toes. We had about 14 kids every night- they were adorable! Hats off to all you mama's out there with toddlers, I was exhausted after every night and that was only 2 hours with them, ha! 

Sunday night we had a small "farm" to kickoff VBS, very interesting and the kids were OBSESSED! They fed the animals at least 2 pounds of feed and I chased them around with hand sanitizer for the rest of the night. 

Here are some pictures from the rest of the VBS setup that I snapped before everything got started for the week! This was our first VBS with our new church (we started attending here last year!) and we were blown away with everything. Such great props, details, time, organization, lessons, and help from everyone! 

This is our breezeway at church that they transformed to the "Euphrates River"

Other booths in the "marketplace"

Skit areas

We started and ended each night with a ton of VBS songs, and I went to bed and woke up each morning singing VBS songs :)

Wouldn't want to dress up with anyone else! 

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  1. Impressive props! Kudos to you for being a leader and for having a servant heart. I loved attending VBS when I was younger.

  2. Love the decorations and the theme! I'm honestly bummed that my church doesn't do VBS.


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