
Monday, June 11, 2018


We had such a fun weekend!

I snapped this picture of Reagan on Friday, whenever I run bath water for her she peaks over the side of the tub just like this and it's adorable!

Friday after work we went over to the house of a sweet couple from church for dinner and to work on some things for VBS that is this week. Matthew and this gentleman got put in charge of crafts at VBS so we worked on spray painting cute little treasure boxes that they're going to let the kids decorate to take home. This sweet couple just celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary and spent a good bit of time sharing their travel adventures with us. They have been all over the world, literally, in their 49 years (they just got back from Israel in the fall!!) and it was so interesting to hear all their stories and see pictures. The sweet lady even showed me her travel book collection, which is huge, and said I am welcome to them anytime. When we got ready to leave they stood on their front porch waving bye as we drove away and I told Matthew I definitely felt like I was leaving my grandparents house lol! We are going to have them over for dinner soon so that they can teach us a new card game they learned recently.

Our best friends, Ethan and Rachel, came over later Friday night and we all hung out for awhile watching baseball before calling it a night. Tennessee Tech and Mississippi State were playing all weekend (and still going!!!!) so we watched a lot of baseball this weekend, very exciting games!

Saturday we woke up and made a huge brunch! Matthew did most of it on his flat top and I made homemade biscuits. There was so much food and we have a ton leftover for some breakfast this week,,,woo hoo!

After brunch we decided to make a Sam's Club trip and stopped by Bargain Hunt on the way home. I found the cutest sports bra and athletic tanks at Sam's Club and they were both under $10...such a great deal! Saturday afternoon we went to dinner at one of our favorites, Demo's, and then went to the movies to see Ocean's 8. It was such a good movie- with a great cast!!!! After dinner we had a little bit of time before our movie started so we went down to the outlet mall and checked out Bath and Body Works candle sale. Rachel and I ended up purchasing the same exact candle (pineapple mango- smells heavenly) and didn't even realize it until later that night when we got back to the house, ha!

Sunday we went to church and then came back home and Matthew made hibachi chicken and fried rice on the flat top for lunch. It was delicious! Sunday night started VBS so we got to church early Sunday afternoon to set up Matthew's craft booth! I am a tribe leader this week with the 3 and 4 year old age group, they are adorable and definitely keeping me on my toes!

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1 comment:

  1. VBS sounds like it'll be a blast! Does your church do it at night? All the food Matthew is making sounds amazing! That grill top sounds like a great purchase!


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