
Tuesday, July 31, 2018


A little over a month ago Matthew and packed up our house and moved in with his parents for three weeks so that we could have our floors done (!!!!!). On June 22nd my BIL, Nathan, came over and helped us move all of our furniture into our garage and then helped us pull up all the old flooring (laminate and carpet). It was a reallllllly long and exhausting day, but we got most of it done by late that afternoon. Matthew and I finished the remaining up on Sunday.

That Saturday (the 23rd.) Matthew and I went and picked up our hardwood. It was extremely heavy, but it was exciting and we knew we were getting close to having the beautiful new floors that we had been saving up for.

Matthew's parents so graciously let us stay with them and fed us for a little over three weeks. We are so thankful for them and for that time we got to spend with them over those three weeks. As expected, there were setbacks and things didn't get finished by deadlines. We went by the house almost every day to check on the progress and got more and more excited as time went on. We got to move back into our house on our anniversary (7/18). Such a sweet day!

I haven't had time to take some good pictures of our house since we have had all of furniture moved back in and our house officially put back together, but I did take pictures each time we came to check on the house during those three weeks, to document the process.

My office
 the living room
 One of the guest bedrooms
 Our bedroom
 Upstairs hallway
 Our closet

 Guest bedroom

And our garage, where we moved all of our furniture to. This is when they had it only half full. I never got around to taking a picture when the garage was completely full. 

Some pictures of when they started laying the hardwood and laying the tile

We had tile put down in our master bathroom, guest bathroom and laundry room and we LOVE it. This is the tile we chose. 

We are so excited to have our floors done. We have been wanting to do this since the day we bought our house, so worth the wait! We also decided that we want to paint all the baseboards and trim in our house. We painted all the trim and baseboards downstairs last week and we are going to start upstairs next week. It takes some time, but we are just taking it one room at a time. The stairs were the hardest to do, but they look so much better now that it's finished. 


  1. Yay!!! I love the hardwood and tile! I bet it makes such a difference to the overall look of your house!

  2. Gorgeous! I love the hardwood you picked and the tile - SO PRETTY!

  3. I seriously love how it turned out!! The tile and hard wood looks amazing!! Can't wait to see the pictures with the furniture put back together


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