
Monday, January 7, 2019

2019 GOALS

2018, just wasn't my blogging year and that is okay, but I'm back and hoping that 2019 will be a good year of blogging (among many other things)!

I used to blog my yearly/monthly goals, but decided not to do so last year. I missed it and the feeling accountability that blogging my goals brought, so I am hoping to do that again this year. 
Matthew and I made some family goals as well as personal goals at the beginning of December and I am excited for a new year and to start working towards those goals! I'll share my 2019 goals below.

1. Organize and print pictures. What I really want to do it organize our pictures first, then create yearly photo books. I created one for 2016, our first year of marriage, but then totally forgot after that.
Action steps: Schedule some time to organize photos on Google Drive.

2. Read the Bible from start to finish. I have never tried this, but I am excited for this goal. Our church is actually doing this and there is a workbook to go along with the study, so I am thrilled to be doing this with others.
Action steps: Set a reminder on my Bible app on my phone so that I do not miss a daily reading. 

3. Read 12 books this year. I am hoping to break it down to one book a month. I miss reading! I am going to use the Hoopla app to listen to some books and actually read some.
Action steps: Plan ahead and find 12 books (or more) that I am interested in. 

4. Punctuality. One of our family goals is to work on punctuality this year. I am also making it a personal goal because I want to really work on this and discipline myself. I want to be on time (or early) to events/places and be prepared. If I am running late then I am usually frazzled and frustrated. 
Action steps: Set alarms on my phone, schedule and prepare ahead of time so I am not throwing things in the car at the last minute when I should have left 10 minutes earlier. 

5. Meal prep and meal plan. I feel like this is one goal I can always improve in and with each season of life I know meal prepping and planning will change. My best friend shared a new way to meal plan with me a couple of months ago and I loved it. I am almost finished with it and I am excited to share with you all soon.
Action steps: Finish up and finalize new meal planner I am creating.

6. Healthier lifestyle. Can you really have yearly goals without a fitness/healthy lifestyle goal? ;) One of family goals is to be more disciplined in 2019. Disciplined in a lot of things (faith, finances, food, fitness, etc.) We don't want to join a gym or run 12 races this year, but we want to eat out less, eat healthier and live a more active lifestyle. 
Action steps: Do something active for at least 30 minutes a day (walk/run on the treadmill, take Reagan on a walk, etc.) 

Here is to a happy and healthy 2019! 


  1. Ohh, I can't wait to hear more about your new way to meal plan! Like you (and so many others, haha), being healthier is one of my goals, too. Cheers to a wonderful 2019!

  2. I'd love to see the meal plan/prep info! The grocery store haul video you shared was helpful too, it's cool to see where other people shop and what kind of deals they find.

  3. I love your goal of organizing and printing photos! I've been meaning to do that FOREVER and yet, I always forget. I can't wait to see how you meal prep/plan! I love getting ideas from other people :-)


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