
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

10 guilty pleasures

1. Reading, updating and creeping on social media sites. Instagram is my favorite and I am constantly checking it and I love posting on there. Some of my family jokes with me that they don't have to even ask what I have been up to they can just check my Instagram haha but I don't really care I enjoy it!!
So if you love them as much as I do feel free to follow along :)
Instagram // Twitter // Facebook // Pinterest
2. Taco Bell
Some people think it's gross but Matthew and I love us some Taco Bell!! We usually don't go too long without stopping by and grabbing lunch or dinner and it doesn't help that there is one right by his apartment!!!!
3. Coke
This one and #2 are an unhealthy obsession I know and I have cut back on cokes A LOT compared to what I used to drink. I am hoping to cut them out completely...soon...maybe starting in January??
4. Real Housewives of Orange County
I don't know what it is about that show but I just love me some Gretchen, Vicki and Tamra drama!!!!
5. Nails
This has recently started happening. I used to have an awful habit of biting my nails to where they were so short they would bleed. I wouldn't even realize it until I saw blood. Not only is it ugly to have nails like that but that is SO many germs. I get sick to my stomach thinking about it now.
I have became obsessed with painting my nails and trying out new designs. As much as I love having my nails done professionally I didn't like paying $15 every two weeks when I can do it myself at work & it helps pass the time.
6. E.L.F makeup
I can't go into Target without going to look at the E.L.F makeup section before I leave.
First off it is cheap and I'm talking super cheap as in almost everything is $1. I think the most I have ever paid for an E.L.F product was $6 and it will last me awhile.
Second, it works!! I love the coverage I get from my E.L.F foundation and it lasts throughout the day. I am OBSESSED with all their stuff and I love trying out new E.L.F products!
7. Target
speaking of Target...I am already having withdrawals. For the life of me I can't figure out why there isn't one in Cookeville, I mean y'all this is a COLLEGE TOWN. Do they not know who much business they would make off all of us college kids?? Target needs to step up their game and come to Cookeville!!
Their dollar section gets me every single time and that is where I got all my fall/Halloween decorations for the apartment. I made a trip there this past weekend while I was home and got a bunch of cute Christmas decorations (and E.L.F makeup, ha!)
8. Pinterest
I don't really feel as if I need to say anything about this one.
9. Lotions
Especially from Bath and Body Works or Victoria Secret. If you are not following BBW on Facebook then you need to. Every couple of weeks they will post a coupon for any FREE 3oz bottle of lotion. I know it's the smallest bottle they have there but if you like to carry lotion around in your purse like I do then you can't beat this and did I mention it's F-R-E-E and no purchase necessary y'all!
I walk my happy butt in there get the one I want take it to the cashier and shoe her the coupon and I'm on my way. So Simple and free :)
10. Shoes
One of the best things I have learned to do is buy things at the end of the season when it is on clearance for the next year. This past September, Target was clearancing all their summer shoes/sandals. Guess who got 2 pair of wedged heels and a pair of sandals for next spring/summer $20? THIS girl did. Oh and the original price on one of those pair of wedged heels was $32 :)
What are some of your guilty pleasures? 


  1. cute post idea, i love elf and target too...and er... pinterest. haha

  2. I used to LOVE Taco Bell, and then I had a bad experience and didn't have it for FIVE years lol, no joke. I just broke that 5-year streak over the summer and it was DELISH, but I still haven't gone back to it!

    Good tip on the free lotion via BBW! Going to 'like' them now! :)

  3. Can I steal this idea from you? Love it! And I love e.l.f. I use all name brand makeup products, but none have compared to e.l.f.'s foundation. I swear by it!

  4. I am soooooooooo obsessed with Coke too!

  5. Such a fun post idea!! instagram, shoes, and pinterest... how do we get anything done!?

  6. We get Taco Bell all the time too! I am the same way about my nails and painting them is my only vice to stop.

  7. Great post! I am going to barrow your idea for this post, I hope you don't mind. But I am giving credit where it is needed, you can follow me at I am hoping to post this sometime next week. :) Hope you have a great weekend!


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