
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

weekend recap- one that was good for the soul.

This past weekend was one that was good for the soul.
I went home and spent the weekend doing what girls do best. Shopping, pedicures and having girl time.
I told my parents I was coming home but I didn't tell my younger sisters because I wanted to surprise them. My youngest sister was pretty upset with me because I told her I wasn't coming home. She was so upset with me she didn't even want to talk to me on the phone when I called haha.
Well when I got home I face timed my mom and she handed the phone to my Macy. I could tell she was still mad and then I flipped the camera around and showed her the back door. She thought I was lying until she heard me knocking on the back door that I was showing her via Face Time. Let's just say there were lots of squealing for the next 5 minutes from two little girlies!
Saturday I was woken up bright and early by this bright eyed girl reminding me I was taking her birthday shopping. I had to remind her also that stores aren't open at 6:30 a.m. :)
After being lazy for the early part of the morning we got ready and headed out for our girls day/birthday shopping..
 I told her we could go wherever she wanted to for lunch and she chose Fazoli's and I wasn't complaining. We did some shopping and she picked out some cute clothes.
The energy that this girl has still surprises me. She stayed up late and woke up early and after one store of the many we visited I was ready for a nap. She is a diva that's for sure but she has good taste in clothes!
That afternoon we went to my uncle's to celebrate my mema's 70th birthday! It was great seeing everyone and being able to just relax and talk about old times while enjoying some good food!
Sunday after church my mom and I went to get a pedicure. I do believe that pedicures are a treat and when I get one you better believe I am going to enjoy every second of it. We went to my favorite sub shop after for lunch, Jimmy Johns.

 Seriously the best in my opinion. We were able to sit outside because the weather was so gorgeous. Sunny and 65 I would say, perfect fall day. We talked about everything under the sun and were just able to catch up without having any interruptions.
After lunch we stopped by to see my nanny. She is just the cutest and was dressed in her Titans outfit cheering them on.
After that it was time to load everything back up and pick up Matthew to head back to Cookeville :)
We both agreed that we would take my car home when we go and just take turns paying for gas, since I get better gas mileage.
After church Sunday night we were going to grab dinner and we were taking a shortcut that we always do and we saw THIS.
I squealed and Matthew slammed on the breaks and I made him back up just so I could make sure I wasn't seeing things (you know how a girl gets when she gets hungry!!) and then of course I had to get a picture in front of it. It's official y'all Cookeville is getting a Jimmy Johns and this girl couldn't be anymore excited about it!!


  1. This sounds like the PERFECT weekend and your sister is adorable. I think it's so sweet that she was angry at you because she didn't think she was going to get to see you for her birthday. It just goes to show how much she loves you!

  2. Aww that sounds like the best weekend at home! I used to love going home when I was in college - felt more special after being away for a little while. Your sister is adorable and I'm pretty sure has better fashion sense than I do haha. We just got a new Jimmy Johns and I'm anxiously waiting until it can deliver to my work!!

  3. Your weekend looks like so much fun! I have a confession though, I've never been to Jimmy Johns. I think I need to fix that!


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