
Friday, December 6, 2013

Surprises and scary happenings

This week kinda flew by after my final on Tuesday night. As much as I love Friday's and the weekend I wish time would slow down. Here we are already 6 days into December and I'll blink and it will be January 1st.
Last night was a good one. We have been planning for the past few weeks on going home last night to surprise Matthew's mom for her birthday. One of her presents was a picture of her boys. Recreating pictures is very popular right now and their dad suggested they recreate one of her favorite pictures from when they were younger, and it was a GREAT idea and she loved it!
(sorry for the bad quality iPhone picture)
We had Mexican takeout and chocolate cake and enjoyed sitting around the table talking for a couple of hours. She was definitely surprised and we all had a good time!!
Matthew and I drove over to my house to see my family for a few minutes. I didn't tell them I was coming and it was a great surprise for them and it was good to see them as well!
My mom called me this morning and said they had a rough night. She said that around three this morning it was storming and then a little after that they heard the fire alarm going off and she and my sister went into Sam and Macy's (youngest two sisters) room to get them up and get them downstairs or outside if need be and their room was starting to fill up with smoke.
Thankfully there was no big fire just a small spark from the thermostat on the wall across from their room. My dad took the thermostat off the wall with gloves because it was too hot to touch and it was completely black and burned all in the wall and had been smoking in the attic.
My dad had someone come out and look at everything immediately this morning and the gentleman advised my dad that lightening struck the unit outside and went through the wiring to the thermostat.
Thankfully my family was home and that out fire alarms work. This was only a small incident compared to some family's who have recently lost everything due to a house fire but it was still scary for them. Unfortunately the system for the upstairs is out and the gentleman advised my dad that he would need to contact our insurance company to see what they want to do. I just spoke with my dad and he is about to head to town to get a couple of small and safe heaters since the temperatures are going to be dropping all day.
When you stop and really think about all that the things that I thought were somewhat problems really aren't a big deal AT ALL. So what someone pulled out in front of me this morning and decided to go 10 miles under the speed limit, so what I got caught in two school zones. Nothing that I have experienced this morning is bad but the thought of my house catching on fire with my family in it during the middle of the night is just sickening. We are too blessed to be worrying over the little things and far too blessed to think we have it bad.
Today, I urge you to really look around. Look at the house/apartment you live in and be thankful it is still standing and you have a roof over your head. Those warm clothes you are bundled up in, not everyone has them. The water bottle you walked 10 steps for to get out of your refrigerator? People are walking 10 miles for a bucket of water. All this is something we have heard before but it's nice to be reminded.
I hope you all have a great weekend and those of you that are experiencing this ice storm and I am praying for safe travels and that you aren't hit too hard. It is headed to Tennessee but I think Cookeville will be spared. I plan on staying in my pajamas most of Saturday catching up on the ole blog here and making some Christmas crafts that I have been wanting to make!
Also, congratulations to Emily on winning the Home State Tee giveaway!!


  1. Such a sweet reminder as we enter the weekend! So glad your family is safe.

  2. The picture reaction is so sweet!!

    Wow, that definitely sounds scary. I'm so happy everyone is safe and that it didn't turn into a huge fire!


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