
Thursday, December 5, 2013

D E C E M B E R goals

Oh happy day :)
You know the drill. Every time I put up a new goals post I can’t seem to wrap my head around how quickly the year is flying by. It feels like I was just ringing in the new year with my loves and now 2013 is coming to an end.
26 days until 2013 is over. Chew on that for a moment.
Here are my goals from November

- Workout 2-3 times a week

 (I am getting a new schedule at work starting next week and I will be getting off earlier so NO excuses y'all!!)
- Start running
- Drink more water I've been drinking more water throughout the day!
- Get the classes I want for next semester
- Have our 1st annual Friendsgiving SUCCESS! You can read all about that here
- Appreciate the small things more This definitely makes for a better day, positive attitude is key friends!
- Pay it forward
- Start decorating my room
(or at least hang some pictures on the walls, it is bare I tell ya!!)
- Blog 3-4 times a week
- Spend more than 2 days at HOME!! Thanksgiving break was wonderful and relaxing :)
(thanksgiving break can't come fast enough)
-Find purple dress for Matthew's graduation I was stressing on this one but Old Navy came through, and it was on sale AND I had a coupon + free shipping....happy Shelby :)
(37 days people 37 days until boo dawg walks across the stage!!!!!!)
- Go on at least 2 dates with Matthew
- Win the intramural volleyball championship with my SOC girls We lost in the first round of playoffs.
Continue saving MULA$$ :)
-START & FINISH Christmas shopping
(or at least get most of it finished so I won't stress so much in December) 
- Finish all the books I have started
(there are probably about 5 books I have started and I haven't even finished)
- Try 2 new recipes
(Now that I will be getting off earlier I will able to cook for Matthew!! I am so excited I can't stand it)
- Have another social free media weekend
- BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING We got some pretty good deals!
(Enough said y'all!!)
I didn't cross off near as much as I wanted to. November was a crazy month and December is looking to be the same way. I'm not complaining though, I'm blessed to have so much to do. However, I do feel like I set too many goals and I usually am disappointed at myself towards the end of the month (usually when I am typing up the next months goals and realize I didn't accomplish everything) So from now on I won't be setting as many goals, I won't have a set amount each month just not 20.
With that being said here are my December goals

1. Clean out, get rid of, de-clutter, donate and organize. 
No drawer or closet will be spared. I have stuff just laying around that is taking up room and someone else could be getting very good use out of. Overall I want to be more organized than I am (OCD is kicking in). I want to simplify, simplify, and simplify even more going into 2014. I want to also make out calendars for the upcoming year for meal planning. I would also like to print out a cleaning schedule for the apartment to keep up with weekly.
2. Be a better girlfriend.
I honestly don't think I am a bad one but there is always room for improvement. I want to encourage and support Matthew, even more than I do now, spiritually and mentally. I want to plan fun things for us to do and get out of our normal everyday routine. Also I want to throw in a few surprises for him and cook more :)
3. Finish Christmas shopping and send out Christmas cards 
This is a MUST. This time last year I had everything purchased and wrapped. There are so many things I want to make and get. This Friday and Saturday I plan on crossing this off my list! Since this is my first Christmas living on my own I thought it would be fun to send out Christmas cards to all my family and friends. I am really excited about this and picked some cute ones up last time I was at Target. I want to just really enjoy this time of year.
4. Have at least 2 date nights
I see Matthew everyday now (I don't hate it!!) and we usually eat dinner every night together, whether it be running to Taco Bell or throwing some chicken in the oven we are usually eating together and then just doing whatever, watch TV or study. I want to have at least 2 date nights with something planned. Preferably one date night in and one date night out, where we get dressed up. I believe in dressing up and still going on dates, no matter how long you have been together.
5. Social free media weekend
I wish I would have done this over the Thanksgiving break but I was too excited to see everyone's Thanksgiving pictures lol. I am going to be home for Christmas a little longer than I was for Thanksgiving so I am hoping to be able to that weekend and just really enjoy the time that I am home with my family. 
6. Make some Christmas crafts and blog about them
After all isn't that the name of my blog?? Yes, yes it is. There are SO many cute things floating around on Pinterest that I am wanting determined to make. I also want to make Christmas cookies for a few people, this time of the year is PERFECT for baking and of course Pinterest has about 101 recipes to try out so I will be trying out a few, hopefully!

So there ya have it! December is here and is in full force, and things have been a little busy around here with Thanksgiving and having my final the Tuesday we come back from break but I passed and I am on Christmas break!! Woo hoo!
Also, I wanted to wish a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Matthew's momma!!
 Sending lots of love and birthday wishes from Cookeville today :) 


  1. Good luck on having a social media free weekend! It's such a great idea but I don't think I could do it. You're too sweet for wanting to be a better girlfriend. I'm sure you're an amazing one. :)

  2. I agree that no matter the age, you should still go on dates with your significant other!


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