
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

weekend recap

This past weekend was so good!
I'm gonna start out with Thursday night though because we had our first intramural softball game!!

it was absolutely freezing and pouring down rain the whole time but it was still SO much fun!
We played great and only lost by 1 run. We have another game this Thursday night and I am PUMPED.
Friday night we had game night with some of my coworkers and it was a blast.
We had a delicious dinner and great dessert and then played a couple of different games!
It was so fun, my sides were hurting from laughing so much when we left
We used the good ole self timer ;)
Saturday I woke up pretty early and was in the cleaning mood so I cleaned my room and straightened up the apartment as much as I could and had laundry almost finished by 9:30. I was in a productive mood despite the pouring down rain and gloomy clouds. I went by the grocery store and picked some things I needed and then headed to Matthew's apartment. We binged watched HGTV and then decided to go see a movie, we wanted to see God's Not Dead since we have heard so many good things about it but after spending 10 minutes looking for a parking spot we decided to leave. Of course everyone had the same idea since it was STILL pouring down rain. So we decided to get with some friends and make Mexican and watch a movie at the SOC house. We watched Captain Phillips...GREAT movie! It started out kinda slow but definitely got better.
Sunday Matthew's parents surprised us by coming up to Cookeville and going to church with us and taking us to lunch! We had no idea they were even there until after church when we read their names up on the screen showing all the visitors. So fun!
The weather this week is supposed to be in 70's ALL week long and I am LOVING it!!!! I am going to soak as much of it up as I can!

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